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I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

[ Edited ]

I was "browsing" the selections and want to buy for my friend who loves green floral lace to get as a bday gift ...she likes the "original" pattern Not the striped rim.


Are these Easter eggs on this piece??? Or what/why are those egg shaped discs? 




Thank you would have posted on Temptations forum but thought more posters would see ? here.



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Re: I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

Those do look like eggs...I have not seen that before but maybe it was done for Easter..

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Maybe it's the new and improved design?   Like when they enlarged the pattern on OW.   I actually liked that.

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Re: I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

@homedecor1 wrote:

I was "browsing" the selections and want to buy for my friend who loves green floral lace to get as a bday gift ...she likes the "original" pattern Not the striped rim.


Are these Easter eggs on this piece??? Or what/why are those egg shaped discs? 




Thank you would have posted on Temptations forum but thought more posters would see ? here.






I'll be blunt, and hope to not offend anyone, but these are some the the newest incarnation of what Tara is calling Floral Lace. 


Yep, those are eggs, and came out with the Easter stuff. Several people have posted on various FB pages that they don't find them limiting to Easter or spring, but I guess it is a personal choice. They aren't my favorite, as I collect FL, but not nearly as offensive (to me) as what she has done by making OW and FL 'vivd' and putting checks and stripes into the pattern. 


Takes all kinds to make the world go around, and I'm glad there is a variety. I just hope she continues to create and release the traditional FL and OW, as I don't think the new designs incorporate all that well with the originals, and don't have the same charm or grace.


In my opinion, especially the OW Vivid was developed to cut down on the intricate painting of OW. It was often hurried and sloppy, and the newer version has much less detail to it, so less likely to be 'off''.

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Re: I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

I also love the floral lace and seasonal (Harvest etc) old world and think she should have left well enough alone. Those stripes are horrible..While on the subject I detest that BROWN trim on those floral lace items,, Brown DOES NOT always go with everything. The fall and spice look ok with brown but red and blue etc YUK.

I am sure there are some that love the stripes and brown trim, so this is my choice and my opinion of the changes.


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Re: I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

there's no video on this item but I showed my friend before I ordered them.  She bought 2 sets of FL dishes with the striping and absolutely is bummed -- poor painting, she said some are "lopsided" so I think I'll get her something else.


They have a nice mixing bowl set thru Fiestaware and will get her them in a co-ordinating colors. 


Thanks for for your replies. 



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Re: I'm stumped -- New Temptation pattern

[ Edited ]

I saw the item in the OP presented and yes, it is a seasonal item for Easter.  Those oval discs are Easter eggs or regular eggs if you don't observe Easter. :-)


I agree with all of you about those stripes on the new Floral Lace items.  They are terrible!  They're not only a weird color compared to the main part of the piece, but they make the item look very cheap.  I wish they had left Floral Lace well enough alone.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James