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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

Vacation - definitely! I like coming back to something orderly and clean. Overnight - no. This is for me and not because I won't come back. That is morbid.

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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

No--I'm not like you at all...Although I don't ever like to come home to a messy's the last thing I think about when I'm going away! I have never once, not ever, considered what my house would look like if I didn't return. The only thing I ever thought was--if anything ever did happen to me--I'd hate to be the one that has to get rid of all my stuff! My hubby, on the other hand, is much neater than I am--but I try!

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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

I vacuum my way out the door (usually wearing high heels)! My hubby waits with the luggage in the car. I cannot leave the house if it is not clean. Nice to come home to a nice clean house, also. I admit I am a germ phob and clean freak-my hubby calls me "little Martha" (as in Stewart).

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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

Yes, I always clean the house when I go away. I just got back from a trip and spent two weekends preparing the house. My neighbor stops in twice a day to feed the cat and knowing that puts me into overdrive.
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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

I always clean, too. I just don't want to come home to a mess. I don't think about something happening to me.....

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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

Well this is my goal! And I usually fall short and it bothers me really bad. I have time management issues. I will start something, like the bathroom, then get all the sheets off the beds and throw them in the washer and instead of going back to the bathroom I start the kitchen! What the? Not making excuses but I have add and I think that doesn't help. Especially since I won't put myself on the meds. But what your hubby teases you about is my dream come true! Lol
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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

My BFF & I have a pact....if either one of us is not coming home (ever), it is our job to immediately go to said residence, wash the dishes in the sink...and erase browser history! Ha.

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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

Strip all beds so can air out Empty all trash Get all dishes in dw. If dont have a chance to do a whole clean, i will run through a rinse and wash when i come home. I do try and not buy any more groceries than we will use if i know we are going to be gone, so i will check out the ref.
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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

I do the same thing. Mostly for the second reason you stated. I think that's partly why I always say that I don't like to travel. There's just too much ""getting ready"".

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Hubby is poking fun at me because of this thing that I do.. do you do it, too?

I don't do a thing to my house...I just walk out the door!