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Re: How do you store/keep your recipes?

I throw them in a drawer. I guess subconsciously I rebel at organization.

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Re: How do you store/keep your recipes?

I dedicated an old laptop to recipes many years ago. Files are set up just like a cookbook, e.g., Appetizers, Breads, Desserts, etc. It sits on the counter near my prep space, and when I open a recipe to "full screen," there's no need to print anything.

As I have a lifetime's collection of recipes (and I've been cooking over fifty years), I am fastidious about keeping my files backed up.

Edited to add: To those who are blessed to own copies of handwritten recipes from loved ones, I suggest, first, have them copied, then frame the originals to hang in your kitchen.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: How do you store/keep your recipes?

The recipes that I have that aren't in cookbooks are printed out from different recipe sites on the internet. I have those in a big black binder.

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Registered: ‎04-14-2010

Re: How do you store/keep your recipes?

I have a three-ring binder like Chickenbutt describes, in which I have recipes I've cut out of magazines or been given by friends. Those plastic magnetic pages keep them clean.

Beyond that, I store all my recipes on line these days. So much easier to retrieve and it cuts the clutter down. I hardly ever crack open a cook book anymore, much as I love them.