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Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

Though I haven't read the responses, I'd advise using day-old bread. In other words, the night before you're going to prepare French toast, take X number of bread slices out of the plastic wrap and place on a rack to dry slightly over night (place them flat, not overlapping.)

Good luck!

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Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

I use Texas Toast and toast it first.

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Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

On 4/23/2014 Scotnovel said:
On 4/23/2014 AuntG said:
On 4/23/2014 Desertdi said:

It's supposed to be soggy inside and crispy outside

That's what I thought too. Even in a restaurant, it's usually a little soggy on the inside.

If it is soggy inside then you are eating egg that is uncooked and you can get salmonella from raw egg.

That's what went through my mind when I got the French toast that was slimy in the center at a restaurant. Ugh.

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Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

I have found soggy french toast if not uncooked, is because of too soft bread. You need a sturdy, dryer bread. Slightly stale is good. I think french toast originally came from using stale bread. I use a french bread my self. But when I have used regular bread I use texas toast, or get a whole, unsliced loaf and slice it thick myself.

I like to stuff my french toast.

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Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

make sure you just briefly dip the bread into the egg/cream mixture; don't soak the bread in the mixture

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy


saw this today online on how to make good french toast. The egg to milk ratio regulate the custardly type texture, the amt of sugar has to do with browning, and even pre toasting has to do with texture. check this out

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Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Re: How do you keep french toast from being soggy

OMG I finally got delicious crispy on the outside French Toast from a tip on one of the cooking channels. None of the eggs with this, or eggs with that or whatever works. I use Texas Toast bread or anyother white bread for that matter. I dip it in the egg batter which is just a couple of eggs and milk and whatever you like. I then put about an inch of oil in the frying pan, heat it up nice and hot, not on high, that isn't necessary. Just about med-high and let the oil heat up. Plop in the bread and it cooks very quickly and then flip it over and brown the other side. Ever since I have cooked my French toast this way it turns out perfect very time. It is kind of like deep frying it but with a lot less oil. Good luck. I bet this one will work for you. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}