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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

I really don't do much different either, except it seems that I find myself with a lot of cookies and candy and stuff this time of year.   I slowly burn through it beause I just cannot eat that much anymore.


I make the big meal for Thanksgiving (well, big for us is 4 courses) and make a 3 course meal for Xmas.    I don't know how people can eat these gluttonous menus I see a lot with 10 or 12 courses and a bunch of desserts!


I did make a coconut cream pie the other day just because, well, I had all the stuff I needed and it is my favorite.  I hadn't had that in years and I so seldom make cakes or pies, or even cookies or anything like that anymore.


Coconut is my thing.  I love coconut pretty much anything!  Smiley Happy

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

@chickenbutt wrote:

I really don't do much different either, except it seems that I find myself with a lot of cookies and candy and stuff this time of year.   I slowly burn through it beause I just cannot eat that much anymore.


I make the big meal for Thanksgiving (well, big for us is 4 courses) and make a 3 course meal for Xmas.    I don't know how people can eat these gluttonous menus I see a lot with 10 or 12 courses and a bunch of desserts!


I did make a coconut cream pie the other day just because, well, I had all the stuff I needed and it is my favorite.  I hadn't had that in years and I so seldom make cakes or pies, or even cookies or anything like that anymore.


Coconut is my thing.  I love coconut pretty much anything!  Smiley Happy

@chickenbuttI only have what I want on "the day" too.  I won't do days and days of anything.

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

Yeah, I hear that, ECBG.    After all that cooking, I can eat very little but it's the closest I get, anymore, to eating an actual 'plate of food'.  


On Thanksgiving, I dished up as little as I could of each of the 4 courses and still could only eat about 1/3 of it so the husband helped me out with that.  Took one for the team!  Smiley Happy

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

This is cookie week.  I have been making cookies for the last three days so that is pretty much what I have eaten.  They will all be gone on Monday - cookie plates delivered or mailed.  We have Christmas Brunch that amounts to two kinds of quiche, platter of candied bacon, fresh fruit salad and rye toast.  

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

Sounds good, DiAnne.  Well, except for the eggs part.  hehe  Smiley Happy   I love rye toast with apricot jam.  Haven't had that in years.  

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

I'm alone,  don't bake or even cook much so there are no celebrations.   Same old stuff as usual.   No urge for treats. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

Between Christmas and New Year, I eat what I want and don't worry about it. If I want some cookies, I'm going to eat them. If I want a second helping of pie, I'm going to eat it. If I eat too much for Christmas dinner, so be it. I refuse to worry about it. We have parties, we have dinners, we have things going on. It's all part of the holidays. I enjoy them all.


Come January 2, I'm back to eating normally and the extra 3-4 pounds that I put on will go back off. 


I don't skip my exercise routines and I don't skip my walks during this time. So if I want to enjoy a bit more than I normally would, I refuse to feel guilty. It's not the end of the world and I won't go around wringing my hands in anguish beause I gained a couple of pounds....they'll come back off! I always make sure of it.

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

I think the one treat I would like this season is a small cut of a rib roast from my local, wonderful butcher and a couple of their homemade double baked potatoes . . . heaven! . . . Heart

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

I spend so much time cooking holiday meals that I am never hungry.  I eat very little and since I can't eat anything with gluten, that leaves most of the goodies out.


The only problem I have is with chocolate candy.  If I open it, I want to eat every piece right away.  I struggle with Halloween and Easter because they are both chocolate holidays.


I make clear toy candy and occasionally put a small piece into my mouth.  I save all of the broken pieces and put them into a tin for myself.  I give away all of the beautiful whole candy pieces,

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Re: How Do You Plan To Eat Over The Holidays? Be Honest!!!

I plan to enjoy myself but I am not going to get too far off the track.  I haven't had bread, rolls etc since July and I don't intend to have any over the holidays.  I broke the carb habit and I don't want to risk that.  I'm sure I'll have a a few cookies here and there.  It is Christmas.  I might have some hard candy but I'll stay away from chocolates....I do love my chocolates and indulging might be that slippery slope.  I am not good at limiting myself with  sweets I love.  When it comes to dinner, I'll have whaterver I want but in half portions.  My sisters and I are baking cookies next week and they are very supportive; so, we are not baking chocolate chip cookies or peanut butter cookies because those are my favorites.  I can say no to any other type of cookie.  I know I won't lose weight Christmas week and I very much ok with that but I just don't  want  to gain any weight.