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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

ok I asked him and I'm surprised by the answer he gave me. He said he puts water in the pot swishes it around and dumps it down the sink. This from a plumbing guy, I'm shocked. 

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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

Like another poster, I used a Bodum for years.  I'd fill the used glass carafe with water and pour it out through a strainer.  Maybe took two rinses to get all the used coffee grounds out.  Disassemble the unit (take the carafe out of the holder, remove the plunger and top) and wash them in soapy dishwater.  It was fine for years and I love the coffee. 

Got used to using a Keurig at work and bought one, however.  Not as good, but easier.

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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

Maybe he's not worried about plugging the sink because he knows he can fix it for free?  I don't worry about a few grounds now and then, but I don't want a huge bolus of stuff going down all at once.  I wonder of a garbage disposal would grind coffee fine enough to not plug the drain? 

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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

@Dinaki wrote:


I always put a few paper towels on a plate, dump the wet grounds out on it, and throw it all in the trash. I've never had a problem with the grounds not coming out and the few that are left I just let go down the drain. If the grounds are especially stuck I just use a spoon to get them out. But...I like the strainer method better. Thanks for posting this--YouTube always has the answer!

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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

@jaxs mom- no wonder he never had any problems cleaning it - down the drain they go, lol!!!

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Re: How Do You Clean A French Press Coffee Pot???

@HerRoyaLioness  I thought you might have the wrong grind; that is why I posted the picture.  Most people do not know the difference if they are beginners.  It will rinse differently.  Just remember that your grounds are great compost and will make a great invigorating body scrub.  I've not had an issue with rinsing a few grounds down the sink.  I just use plenty of water.  If you are worried, try rinsing with plenty of hot water or even a boiled kettle of water.  I regularly dump baking soda, then vinegar and flush with a kettle of boiling water once the vinegar/baking soda has set for 15 minutes or so.  This helps to keep any of that greasy, food mess flushed down and cleans the walls of the pipes well.  


I too like the idea of the strainer thing.  I could rinse it all out through the strainer and then leave that to dry while at work.  Then it will all knock out of the strainer quickly at the end of the day.  I would get a small strainer just for that.