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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Pooky1-----I am back in NJ and , in all probability , will not return to RI

until next late spring. There are no Price Rites in the NY/NJ area but thanks for the info. 

I have my Grandmother's recipe for the date crumb squares. I have to make delicious.

@mousiegirl-----My DH always wanted a little farm ( me---not so much ) so I currently have chickens, goats, rabbits, ducks, sheep, turkey and dogs. 

I will not eat goat or drink the milk but I do like the cheese....and, ironically, 

i am not a big egg eater and we get 3-4 dozen A DAY !

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Danky wrote:

@Pooky1-----I am back in NJ and , in all probability , will not return to RI

until next late spring. There are no Price Rites in the NY/NJ area but thanks for the info. 

I have my Grandmother's recipe for the date crumb squares. I have to make delicious.

@mousiegirl-----My DH always wanted a little farm ( me---not so much ) so I currently have chickens, goats, rabbits, ducks, sheep, turkey and dogs. 

I will not eat goat or drink the milk but I do like the cheese....and, ironically, 

i am not a big egg eater and we get 3-4 dozen A DAY !



@Danky  I would love to have the critters you have.  I have always been a country girl at heart, but grew up in a suburb and attended school in the city.  I live now in what the city people, at one time, called the country and had country homes here, surrounded by trees and critters.


I won't eat goat either, or rabbits, have always had rabbits as pets, now I get to watch the wild hopping around here.  there are also wild turkeys wandering around.  A neighbor, moved away, but she had a rooster that crowed 24/7, a goat, chickens, etc., and I loved hearing them every day, except for Mr. Rooster during the night, though he was probably trying to keep the wild critters away.


Make lots of fritattas, lol.  DH's favorite food is eggs, but I don't think he could manage that many eggs. Smiley Happy

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Hi Danky,

I read this thread daily but rarely comment.  However, curiosity has won out   re: "i am not a big egg eater and we get 3-4 dozen A DAY!"


What, pray tell, do you do with so many eggs?!!! Smiley Very Happy. I can only imagine that you'd sell them at a farmer's market.


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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

[ Edited ]

@vabreeze wrote:

Hi Danky,

I read this thread daily but rarely comment.  However, curiosity has won out   re: "i am not a big egg eater and we get 3-4 dozen A DAY!"


What, pray tell, do you do with so many eggs?!!! Smiley Very Happy. I can only imagine that you'd sell them at a farmer's market.


Hi @vabreeze----Our land ,and everything that is fed to the chickens and ducks, is organic. So they are really good eggs and they are different colors which is really appealing. Some of my family prefers duck eggs and there are way less of them so they go quickly. 

The chicken eggs were driving me crazy. I was feeding them to the dogs and giving them to anyone who would take them. I would even put them out on the road with a sign saying "free organic eggs" but we are very private and isolated with very little traffic and I was concerned about liability if someone didn't follow the directions about washing them before eating.

So, at the suggestion of a friend, we contacted a few charities and they were thrilled to have them. They visited once to see the set-up and now come once a week to pick up whatever we have leftover. As the days get shorter, production will decrease pretty dramatically and also over the winter we process some of the chickens. 

This was all my late husband's idea and I am not replacing them as their numbers diminish. 

To make things more complicated, at the height of their laying season I am 200 miles away at the summer cottage. Needless to say, I want OUT of the egg "business".


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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity!  Very interesting and it's 'eggsellent'  that a charity is able to benefit from your leftovers.  And they are organic eggs-- wow!!!  


I am sorry for your loss.  I hope your husband's dreams came to fruition before he passed. And may your desire to be out of the egg business happen at the right time for you.  Thanks again for your response. 

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Danky wrote:

@vabreeze wrote:

Hi Danky,

I read this thread daily but rarely comment.  However, curiosity has won out   re: "i am not a big egg eater and we get 3-4 dozen A DAY!"


What, pray tell, do you do with so many eggs?!!! Smiley Very Happy. I can only imagine that you'd sell them at a farmer's market.


Hi @vabreeze----Our land ,and everything that is fed to the chickens and ducks, is organic. So they are really good eggs and they are different colors which is really appealing. Some of my family prefers duck eggs and there are way less of them so they go quickly. 

The chicken eggs were driving me crazy. I was feeding them to the dogs and giving them to anyone who would take them. I would even put them out on the road with a sign saying "free organic eggs" but we are very private and isolated with very little traffic and I was concerned about liability if someone didn't follow the directions about washing them before eating.

So, at the suggestion of a friend, we contacted a few charities and they were thrilled to have them. They visited once to see the set-up and now come once a week to pick up whatever we have leftover. As the days get shorter, production will decrease pretty dramatically and also over the winter we process some of the chickens. 

This was all my late husband's idea and I am not replacing them as their numbers diminish. 

To make things more complicated, at the height of their laying season I am 200 miles away at the summer cottage. Needless to say, I want OUT of the egg "business".


@Danky.  If somehow you can let me know where to find the eggs I will come and buy them. I have been looking to find free range eggs. I am familiar with the area, I used to work for an airline there.
I have seen your posts before so I know where you live.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

[ Edited ]

Good Morning @proudlyfromNJ---- I would guess you worked for Pan Am

since they had a customer service center in this area maybe 30 years ago.

I would love to GIVE you as many eggs as you would like if we had made a connection under other circumstances. But, unfortunately , there is no possibility of me ever sharing my e-mail, name or specific address on line.

As you know, the town I live in is very small and my giving out the info that I have already given was probably not that smart. 

I'm sorry that it is not possible and hope you have a wonderful weekend.                   


ETA---Eggland's Best sells cage-free eggs and WHOLE FOODS , you may not know, has a store in Closter. Hope that helps.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@vabreeze wrote:

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity!  Very interesting and it's 'eggsellent'  that a charity is able to benefit from your leftovers.  And they are organic eggs-- wow!!!  


I am sorry for your loss.  I hope your husband's dreams came to fruition before he passed. And may your desire to be out of the egg business happen at the right time for you.  Thanks again for your response. 

@vabreeze---Thanks for the kind words regarding my husband's death. 

Alex would be the first to tell you that not only did he have a wonderful life but it ended with the perfect death. We are very blessed.

When I see that Egglands Best are on sale for $1.88 a doz this week and there is a .50 coupon doubled, I want to end everything yesterday. .88 a dozen ? I am pretty sure it costs me more than that for one egg !!!

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Just great seeing the newer posters here and please keep coming back. Always enjoy everyone's comments. I did NOT fix anything in particular for dinner - Ricky loves green beans and every once in a while that is what he eats - nothing else. He inhaled almost an entire can last night. I buy some in cans, rinse them well and he really likes them. Leah refused to eat anything - have no clue why  but sometimes she does that. When she was on baby food she ate and and everything you put in front of her. Regular food ?? She does not seem to like much of it. She does like noodles and those fruit cups however. 


Guess I should fix something tonight for sure. Forgot to mention that Davey's friend came over last night to help with the kids - he is super good with little ones. WOW!!! At any rate they ate cheese sandwiches, finished up the remaining black eyed peas so they did all right I guess. Also forgot to mention that Ricky also ate an avocado - he loves those also.


Hope one and all have a great day - I need to call the gas company to check out the heater and turn it on. Hopefully it will not be needed for a few weeks but I try to have it checked and turned on early. Last few mornings however, a heater would have felt good - It is 57 right now.


Again, have a good day and eat well!!

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Winifred-----I had to smile when I read your post. My DH was a professional "foodie" and was some what of a purist but he had a "thing"

for canned green beans. He would put them in a salad, have them cold with 

a vinigerette dressing or sautée them in butter and garlic. 

Since I am new here, who are Ricky, Leah and Davey ? I don't know why I had the impression that you lived alone. 

The humidity has been uncomfortable for the last few days and the nights have not been crisp as I prefer. The house is climate controlled but I would rather have open windows and fresh air.

I promised my BF that I would make him dinner tonight and he requested 

lamb chops. Fine with me.....easy to prepare and I love lamb.