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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Winifred wrote:

Very very busy day!!! But a lot accomplished.


Davey's Dad and Davey's sister Lola came up yesterday. Davey's dad is also Dave and he really helped me a lot. He is a mechanic - one rear wheel bearing was going out and he put in a new one - He went with me to Auto Zone as he knew what to get - I did not. Also he fixed several sprinkler heads and put in some grass seed in the front yard - time will tell if it works. Course that means I have to apply a lot of water. Groan. I certainly appreciated his help.


Dinner was pick up for all - Lola and her Dad had left by then so it was me, the little kids and Davey. Having his Dad come up and spend some time with him certainly helps Davey a lot - wish it was more often.


Ricky is hoarse and not feeling the best. Sigh but he has gone to bed - the little girl is a monster reincarnated. LOL. She is getting really testy. Say a prayer I will not have two problem kids here. Geesh.



@Winifred  Terrible 2's, lol!

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

good evening everyone and daisy havnt seen you on here before so welcome. maria made bacon and garden tomatoes with salt pepper garlick over lingunie. very good.other than that not much going on. jusy did a load of laundry.hope everyone has a good day.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

My trucker girl has been home with us for 2 days; yesterday's meal was chicken pot pie and cole slaw.   Today's meal was meat loaf baked in muffin cups, mashed potatoes, peas, and sliced tomatoes.   She hits the road again tomorrow.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Glad to see you Red Top and hope you come back here often. Mighty good eating at your place - my mouth was literally watering.


Well tonight we had frozen dinners. Ricky was just great and was doing so well and then his Grandma showed up - he became a tiger and he is very tired. He is sitting - half asleep - on the sofa working with his I Pad. That literally has a very calming influence on him. My heart just breaks when he has his "spells" and often I am unable to provide him much help that works for him. Did get him settled enough to start using the I Pad and it seems to be working well for him. The little girl took a late nap - I had to wake her up to make sure she hopefully got to sleep at a decent hour. Ricky did not get a nap so am hoping he collapses shortly. Leah ? Not real sure but at least she is singing. LOL.


Hope all had a great day!!!

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

I guess tomorrow night I need to cook something - frozen dinners again but we did have tacos for lunch. Not all bad.


Hope all had a great day.


How are you doing Bev?

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

good morning everyone. still very humid and hot down here. tomorrow numinity is leaving and starting temps will be in the 60s and night times temps by weekend will be in the 40s so hello fall finally. last night maria made coconut rice and coconit fried shrimp. all was really good. hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

[ Edited ]

Hi Everyone---hot and humid here, too, @Pooky1, but not intolerable.

I do love the fall.....The coconut meal sounds yummy. I have shrimp in the freezer and I think that is what I will make one night. Last night we went out for huge bacon cheeseburgers that were delicious. Could eat one right 

now ! 

The guys that work for me are getting things ready for winter......a few trees to cut down, tons of wood to cut, split and stack, mums to plant, winterize the pool, put the plow on the truck and the list goes on. Very hustle and bustle this time of year.

I think tonight I will sautée some cabbage and kielbasa and serve with boiled potatoes. Autumn comfort food to me......


ETA---- @Winifred, I thought of you when I was going through this week's 

grocery ads.. Stop & Shop has Marie Callender 5/$10 this week and Shop Rite has Hungry Man @ $1.99.....Definitely a stock up for winter week !


@Pooky1---I don't know if you saw on the Big Brother thread that Paul had the cook-out at his house that he promised everyone he would have as soon as the show ended. He only invited the four people who voted for him and excluded Josh. He also refused to go to the BB house after party. The fact that he is a sore loser just gives me another reason to dislike him.


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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

thanks danky i didnt see that.when she breads shrimp we put coconut in food processer so its breads easyer .

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

good morning everyone. this morning temps are in the 40s finally and humidity left us yestauday.last night i made home made french frys and burgers. really good. today i have a 800 nerologist appointment and then grocery shopping at price rite then stop and shop. hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Just Davey and I last night - am back to being really irritated with that young man. Geesh. Anyway fixed some chicken breasts in a good sauce, corn on the cob and vinegared cukes - also the remaining few Curly French Fries left in the freezer. Davey did not eat much yet by the signs of dirty dishes in  the sink in the kitchen this morning he ate well during the night. Cannot get this turned around. Wednesday afternoon Shannon was here for a few minutes so I did a hurried visit to Aldi's and there spent $85.


Took the little ones up to Sherry's yesterday for a couple days so I can get a few things done - later than I had planned but still got some things done. Stopped at the WM up in her direction - cannot stand that place but it was the closest - and did not buy a lot of things yet still spent $$. Then on to Sam's for larger packages of things $$$ - like $165 there. The two biggest ticket items were NOT food - rather the 36 roll package of TP - always try to get it there as in the long run you save some $$. Also package of 100 diapers for the little girl - need to start trying to get her out of those things. Walked past a jumbo table with great kids clothes - got a set of three for each of the kids - little pricey but obviously great clothes - and the HUGE pkg of Keurig coffee, that alone was $48 but still much cheaper than the smaller packages you find in the grocery store. Did not get back home until about 3, then picked up something I had to take to be faxed - got home permanently about 4 or so. With my COPD and no oxygen when I leave home I tire easily - and I did. Still find it amazing I cannot get the small oxygen concentrator to take with me - My medical group stopped approving these three years ago. I can get a small tank but cannot open them nor haul them - I need the small concentrator I can plug in the car and I do not have the $$ to buy one. Darn insurance companies and medical groups - what can I say


So between Aldi's WM and Sam's, spent close to $400 - it does go qujickly does it not?? All necessary as things had gotten down to a bare minimum in this household.


Shortly daylight will start descending upon us - Davey left about 10 minutes ago to start his three bus ride to his school in Redlands - while he seems to like where he is - and he finally has decent grades - first time in four years - he sure has to leave super early in the a.m. - if he were still in school here he would still be in bed asleep. It also take him a while to get home - he is out of school at 1 and gets home about 3 or so.


Hope one and all have a great day.