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Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

Friday  , it was 71.99

Today, they jacked it up to 89.99  !!!!!!!!!     I won't be buying it there now

Bait and switch tactics


The Cuisinart 2qt stainless steel yogurt and ice cream maker

I sent them an email . LOL


I got other places that will beat that deal


what a rip off !

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

@SharkE Amazon does this all of the time, if I want something at Amazon I place it in my Wish List and just monitor the price and then when it drops to a price I am comfortable paying, I snatch it up, I was surprised to see how much the prices fluctuate!


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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

Zappo shoes does that c*ap too !    I don't like that stuff.

Bait and switch. I got a pair of Clarks the other day that beat the ****out of Q' price and lot faster shp, free shp both ways, too. They beat Q by 8 bucks


When I ordered them they were 55, when I went back they had jacked to Q's price of 63 !!!!!!!!!!!


What kind of doing business is this ?   Now, I got to devote half a day to beating B&B's price. sheesh makes me mad.

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

What does B&B stand for?

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart


Bed and Bath

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

I didn't know Zappos did that, thanks for the heads up. I wonder if the price will go down after the weekend? If not, it probably won't until late fall.😖

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

I heard from Bed and Bath they're "forwarding your letter to the correct personnel". I told them straight up it was bait and switch and some other things I won't write in here or I'll get challenged.


I think what happened is it's a manufacturer increase because of upcoming Father's Day and with it being hot summer months. Unfortunately, I had the misfortune of seeing the lower price on Friday the 10th and on the 11th the new prices went into effect. Jump of 18 overnight !

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

@SharkE  You're in Texas, you have access to Blue Bell.  Why do you need an ice cream maker?  

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

I'm not Shark but I use mine to make ice cream I can't find in stores like maple nut. It was around when I was a kid, but where I shop, I haven't seen it. I found a great recipe in The Best Ice Cream Maker Cookbook Ever. I don't have a new maker, I have to crank mine by hand unfortunately, but it's worth it. 

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Re: Heads up on the B&B ice cream maker by Cuisinart

Wouldn't touch that stuff. LOL  Big recall on it. Store bought ice cream I buy now is called 'creamery' something or the other.


Ball & chain loves my banana ice cream. I like my own strawberry it tastes like real strawberry (because I put frozen strawberries in it , plus, pour stb. Crush can soda in it) only like 1/2 cup or so, just for the pinky color.


You can control what goes into it and all.