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Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

Woman Very Happy Yesterday I was laughing about how much I'll spend on good tuna, and allowed as how I'd spend more money on a can of tuna than a fast-food burger any time.  


It started me thinking about how I'll pay a lot more for what I think are better eggs, or milk.  But so much on other grocery items like cereal--store brands are fine.  


My mom would only buy the cheapest stuff usually, my dad the most expensive at the grocery store (he loved to eat!).  


So do you have any "rules" or things you will or won't spend more for?  I just thought it might be fun--no judgment, no right or wrong, just things we all do!  Woman Very Happy

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

Since 95+% of what we consume is meat, seafood, and eggs, we will happily pay more for, better cuts, etc. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

We will spend good money on a great steak, good shrimp and Hellmans Mayonnaise

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

As a child of the Depression, my mother always shopped sales using coupons, etc.  This included everything and of course food.  She also checked the grocery store circulars each week.


When I first got married I would bring coupons and see what was on sale.  Today I don't tend to buy things like I did years ago that are more processed.  For example, I used to buy things like Rice a Roni.  Today if I buy rice it will be just a plain brown rice.


 However I'm trying to stick to a low carb way of eating so most o the time I will buy fresh produce, quality meats and farm pastured eggs which are pricey.  I go to the local farm where you can see the chickens out in the  field to buy my eggs.


As for things like cereal, I only have it when I'm on vacation (I like Rice Krispies) so I don't buy items like that or keep them in the house.



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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

I can't think of any ingredient or prepared item I am not willing to spend more on.  If I am going to ingest a food, I want it to be of as good a quality as I can afford.  But I do not equate quality with fancy packaging or endless promotion.  The quality has to be in the actual food product. 

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

Boars head products are a non negotiable in my house. 

We even buy their condiments.


I used to feel that way about Scott toilet tissue but they turned that into cr ap.  I buy Costco brand now.

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

Organic meats & dairy.

Quality seafood.


Organic produce when available....unless WAY overpriced, like berries, grapes, cherries out of season, for instance.


These days I have boundaries, and I refuse to just simply be "ripped off" on something I feel is inflated beyond reason. Then I wait for those items to be in season in my area (CT) and buy freely, locally, all summer at our many farmer's markets. I love this time of year for that. I shop all my fresh produce at the farmer's markets all season.


Good quality cooking Olive Oil (single source), Organic Avocado oil.


I make sure I eat quality foods. If I'm going to cut back, it'll be elsewhere, since health is a priority. Or at least seeking to do my best...who knows sometimes. But I do my best to seek the best I can afford.


But in recent times I've had to let up on some things that got to be way too much, some specialty items, and I look for sales, which, since Covid times in my grocery, are far fewer. Also, consistency of availability, never went back to what it was before. So I'll find a great bread I love, or something, then they won't have it for months after, or sometimes never again.


Like someone else mom was the same...a self-proclaimed, and proud of it, "good shopper"...who scoured the grocery flyers (I can still picture her going through them at her dining room table) for the week, and used every coupon she could. And why she liked to say..."every penny counts" and "better in my pocket then theirs." Smiley Happy


It's crazy, most things in my grocery have tripled. And sometimes weeks apart I'll go back and something is up 2 dollars. That's when I say "keep it."

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

[ Edited ]

There is so much information and evidence that ties nutrition and health (longevity, brain health, gut health, etc.) that I'm not willing to go cheap.  Real food provides real fuel.  


I shake my head at someone who will pay $8.00 for a sugar laden, unhealthy coffee or buy those awful energy drinks at a few dollars a pop several times a week, without batting an eye, have enough $$ to hit the bar on the weekend, or spend money on any number of frivolous things but then buy the cheapest, most unhealthy groceries - frozen pizza, donuts, coffeecake, margarine, 99 cent eggs, processed cereals, granola bars that are no better than a candy bar, etc.  🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️. I spend a lot on groceries for the two of us, but 90% of it is real food (fresh meat, fresh or frozen produce, Irish butter, healthy oils, no junk food) .  As for the rest, I read labels and make the best choices I can that will fit into our eating style.  Every now and then there may be a compromise, but that's the exception and not the rule.

I prefer pasture raised eggs.  The $5.00-$6.00 price tag did bug me, though. Fortunately I recently learned that a friend of mine has chickens. She gave me a dozen eggs last week and they're fantastic.  She will now be my egg source when possible.  She supplies other friends too so it all depends on how her ladies are producing as to how/when I can get them. 🐓 🥚 

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

I will not pay the high price for steak.  My husband loves it but he does not need it for his heart *(he has had 14 heart operations and 2 strokes; he is a 5-shot/day diabetic).  I can't digest steak albeit I once loved it.  I will pay high price for salmon, shrimp and tuna and seafood or freshwater fish that we eat.  I don't buy cheap green vegetables or legumes.  I don't much buy pasta but I don't care if it is cheap or not.  I do buy vermicelli for spaghetti/meat sauce or eggplant/spaghetti/sauce.  I once bought Kraft mayo only and now it has been turned into cheap bad-taste.  Many items I once bought that were high-end brands have now turned into Chinese cr*p.

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Re: Food Items I'm Willing to Spend More On

I am buying more organic foods now. Have never spent $$ on boxed processed stuff. . But one thing I do, is buy pre cut items--have dexterity issues with my hands from chemo treatments so it is very hard to use a sharp knife---safely. I still do cook from scratch and buy good quality items to do that. And also buy store brands too. I use frozen things --fruits/veggies mostly for smoothies--and have to admit to buying the occasional bag of french fries--they are so good in the  airfryer. I buy salmon from the Q--amazingly delicious. There is a local farm just down the block from where I live and go there every week for produce. I will spend more for eggs--especially brown ones--they make me happy with their golden yellow yolks!!