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How long past an expiration date would you use canned goods. I have a few cans of assorted Tomato Products that just expired from February-March 2015? Just curious what you would do? I'm considering tossing.

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They haven't even expired if they're good through March 2015. Use them! I'd still use them 3-6 months after the expiration date.

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I'm still using cans from 2014.
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I always throw out anything that has expired. In terms of canned goods, it is possible that the cans are lined with BPA, so I tend not to use canned goods (prefer fresh or frozen).

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They aren't actually expired as in, they will make you sick. It's perfectly fine to eat.

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I volunteer at a food bank and they consider food safe for one year after the expiration date. The only exception to that is baby food which they toss if it is expired.

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On 3/30/2015 RedConvertibleGirl said:

They haven't even expired if they're good through March 2015. Use them! I'd still use them 3-6 months after the expiration date.

Some say 3/9/15. I will use first smell and maybe taste before using in a dish.
Thank you Ladies. I'm going through canned goods today and I write dates on them. Tedious I know. Have a great evening.

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If any part of the can is bowed out, even a little, throw it away.

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I also work at Food Bank. Canned goods are good well past their date, at least a year. If for any reason the can does not look normal, toss it. (Leaks, swollen, etc. or it doesn't smell or look right after opening) You can get a bad can that is not expired, just toss.

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Refreshing to hear so many with the common sense approach on this subject. Usually when this question comes up, the answers are a panic of food poisoning epidemic warnings being spewed.

Most canned goods are good at least a year beyond the expiration date, and most will perform just fine several years past. Tomato products can be the exception, as they will go bad sooner. As everyone else has stated, check the cans for bulges or leaks, and discard if they have such.

There have been studies done on cans found that were many decades old, and while not the best tasting, the food has not been dangerous or harmful.