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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I purchased one from the Q. Didn't care for it. So I went and got one from the local ....... either Wal-Mart or Target..... a mesh one..... works great. Cost under $10 -- forgot exactly how much it was because it was at least 2.5 years ago.

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I have the original three and I love them.Love the new ones,with all the things that can be done with them.They never wear out so will just keep using the older ones.Have gave them away has gifts.

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I have 2 sets (1 red & 1 blue) of the original versions and absolutely love them. I use them almost everyday for cooking. I use them for straining pasta, baking pizza, biscuits, etc in the oven. Yes they have become a little stained because of daily use but that doesn't bother me. I first bought the red set and loved them so much went back for the blue (red was sold out) set. These are a staple in my kitchen and was disappointed when the Q stopped selling them. I may buy a set of these as a back up if my 2 sets are no longer usable. after cleaned, mine do not retain any odors from what I am cooking on them.

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎07-07-2010

Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I have the original set of 3 splatter guards in the red color and just love them. I use them all the time as lids for my fry pans that do not come with lids and also as a hot pad on my stove top, since I always worry about putting a hot pan from the oven on the glass top stove. They work wonderfully and I have not had any stain or take on any smells from using them. I also have used the smaller size in my microwave as a cover to prevent splatters and that also worked great. They do collect moisture when being used like that, but no big deal, its no different that putting a regular lid on a pot.

Not sure about the new ones being offered, but I would not give back the ones I have. : )

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I also have the first generation splatter guards. I like them, definitely. They work well for my uses. My only complaint is that if you are cooking anything that has a particular smell, it WILL pick up the odors and it's extremely difficult to get rid of them. It takes a lot of soaking and several washes.

Consequently, I use it mostly just for heating something up in the microwave, like rice or pasta, that doesn't have any strong food smell to it. If I use one when frying, it really gloms on to grease and frying smells. But a lot of soaking, baking soda, scented soap, and scrubbing will make the odors go away until next time.

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

On 2/27/2014 RedTop said:

I have been using a set of the red splatter guards for over a year, and absolutely love them. I put them to use several times a week, either as a lid, or as a hot pad. Yes, they do collect steam underneath just as faeriemoon described, but I do not find that to be a negative issue, since that is the same result when using an actual lid. I actually like using the splatter guards when frying chicken, as just enough steam escapes from the skillet to keep the chicken nice and crisp as it's frying, instead of being totally "steamed" and having a soft exterior when done. My splatter guards look exactly as they did when they arrived; they are not stained, or discolored from being used as a hot pad, and they have no smell after a year of steady usage. This simple product is one of my favorite buys from QVC, and I wish I had ordered more of these to give as gifts, since I am getting so much use out of them.

My issue is that when you are frying, the condensation causes a big splatter when you remove the lid. I know this can happen with any lid (and you don't generally fry with a lid on the pan), but the purpose of this splatter guard is to keep the oil in, and let the steam out. My complaint is that it traps the steam, then when you remove it you get the huge oil splatter.Smile

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I have the red ones (old set) and use them a lot. I wanted to mention one tip. If you want to heat up two or 3 different things in the microwave, use these to layer the bowls on and put one on the top bowl to keep from spattering. Works great!

After looking at the new ones, I don't think the new ones would work very well since there are cuts in the middle.

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

On 2/27/2014 mima said:

I have the red ones (old set) and use them a lot. I wanted to mention one tip. If you want to heat up two or 3 different things in the microwave, use these to layer the bowls on and put one on the top bowl to keep from spattering. Works great!

After looking at the new ones, I don't think the new ones would work very well since there are cuts in the middle.

That's a good idea. I wish I could have gotten a set of three just in the small one. I use that small one 99% of the time.

I also agree about the cuts in the new models. they look thinner and I get the vibe that they are of a lesser quality. I hope I'm wrong! Smiley Happy

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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

Thanks everyone,for your replies.Smiley Happy I posted this last night and didn't have much of a chance to check back in. Once again, I apologize for the weird typos in my first reply! Anyone else have an iPad that spell checks to the oddest words??? I will look elsewhere for other options.Smiley Happy
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Re: Does anyone own the Splatter Guards?

I'll check BBB and Target, too.Smiley Happy