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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

On 7/6/2014 Marienkaefer2 said:

Actually, some types of cacti are eaten...just FYI, if you are ever stranded in the desert, look for a cactus. They are a good source of water.

We used prickly pear jelly when I was a kid.

I know some types of cacti are eaten and they are a good source of water.

Let me put it another way. I would rather eat an old smelly gym sock than a bunny.

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

EEKS! You are all freaking me out.

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

On 7/6/2014 Oneanddone said:
On 7/6/2014 Marienkaefer2 said:

Actually, some types of cacti are eaten...just FYI, if you are ever stranded in the desert, look for a cactus. They are a good source of water.

We used prickly pear jelly when I was a kid.

I know some types of cacti are eaten and they are a good source of water.

Let me put it another way. I would rather eat an old smelly gym sock than a bunny.

I was just remarking on cactus and thought it was interesting that you brought that up.

I personally haven't thought about prickly pear jelly in years. You just brought back a memory for me that I was sharing.

I sensed some umbrage in your reply? Didn't want to inspire that.

I'd rather eat a cactus than a smelly old gym sock.Smiley Happy

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

Only once in the US. It is common in France, but they are domesticated pets here, so I couldn't.
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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

On 7/6/2014 BlueCollarBabe said:

I guess if ""Armageddon"" were to happen I would have to live (and die) by my moral convictions which would mean I would not resort to cannibalism or eating critters.

ROTFL........ moral convictions would last until REAL hunger set in......
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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

Rabbit meat was popular when I was growing up. My family hunted for meat, fished and we ate whatever was available. People take their kids out to kill Bambi too, disgusting to me.

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

We ate Rabbit when I was a kid. My family hunted and fished for the meat and we ate whatever was available. I don't eat Rabbit now.

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

sorry for double post. I didn't think the other one posted.

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

NO...): Could never!

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Re: Does anyone cook and eat rabbit?

On 7/6/2014 SANNA said:
On 7/6/2014 Matty6 said:
On 7/6/2014 SANNA said: Brown parts of rabbit on the skillet till golden, then soute with onions and shredded until veggies are tender and golden. Make sour cream,little water,spoon of flower salt,pepper souse.pour it over rabbit meat and simmer for 40 min. Enjoy with mashed potatoes! It is old French style we use in my family.

Disgusting! {#emotions_dlg.angry}A bunny with carrots even more so [think about that one]... I can not wrap my mind around that!{}

I am sure you eat pork. And pigs are very intelligent and very close anatomically to humans. Think about it. And besides different cultures eat different foods.

You sure are wrong again! I do not eat pork or any other red meat! And I still think it is disgusting. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}