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Do you own a poached egg pan?

Hi Everyone, I love a poached egg. I remember my mother making them when I was little in an ancient poached egg pan. Flash forward many years and when I want one I just simply do it in a pan of low simmering water. However, I'm considering purchasing a poached egg pan. My youngest child loves eggs, too, so a pan might be a good idea. Anyone have one they love? I've seen them for as low as $25 and as high as $130 at a Williams-Sonoma. Any particular one you would suggest?? TIASmiley Happy
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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

Yes, a poached egg pan is great for cooking eggs, and preferred over the simmering water method. The kids even liked them cooked this way when you scoop them out of the pan onto toast. I like the non-stick pan (no particular brand) as I do not need to cook with butter.

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

Summertime-TU for the reply.Smiley Happy yes, I'm thinking the non-stick would work great.Smiley Happy
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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

I've posted this before but it is so easy and worth repeating. Put about a cup and a half of water in a bowl, crack two eggs into the water. Microwave for one minute 44 seconds and you have two perfect poached eggs. No appliances or pans to clean, just easy and quick.
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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

Nope. It's so easy to do in a regular pan, I don't feel a poacher is necessary.

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

A regular egg cooker like they sell on HSN or QVC will also poach eggs very easily. It does a great job.

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

I would never pay $130 for a special pan to poach eggs when it is so easy to do in just a skillet of simmering water. The key is to have the water just simmering, not boiling. Add a little bit of vinegar to the water, stir it to create a vortex, carefully add the egg(s) and let it do it's thing until it's cooked.

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

I have had several of these pans in my time, but I do not think the eggs cooked in them are a good as real poached eggs. The eggs steam rather than poached, and steam is hotter than boiling or simmering water, so , many times the egg is more like a boiled egg than a poached if cooked done enough to get the yolk and the egg white around it cooked.

I can poach eggs in a skillet or in a pot and they are great. Get yourself a carton or two of fresh eggs and spend an hour or some day experimenting! It is easy when you get the knack and when you have fresher eggs. You'll have some strings to clip off maybe to make it pretty, but the results are superior to the egg pan things. Also, there are little cups with holes that go down in the water and they work pretty well.

You can also put poached eggs in cold water then reheat them in water later!

Happy EGGsperimenting!

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

I have a cheapy, plastic thing that will make 2 eggs in the microwave in a minute. Very comparable to poached and super easy/fast.

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Re: Do you own a poached egg pan?

I had a cheap one when my children were little. I would just put a tiny bit of butter in the little containers put eggs in. Poached eggs on toast before school was their favorite breakfast. For just myself I tend to cook over easy eggs when I want a runny yolk (just because it is faster).