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Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

I have been enjoying watching both Rachael & hubby during the shutdown from their beautiful home kitchen.


When I heard their home caught fire so sad!  Today was her "season premier" and she showed how devastating and the loss of her home.  Apparently, the fire started in the chimney even though she stated the have cleaned 2x's/year.


She said she's forever grateful a neighbor passing by saw the flames on the roof -- alerted them.


They were at their new home across the street -- that is beautiful too.


So happy everyone got out safely

 but just so sad to see the burned out home.  I'm sure they'll rebuild but I only saw the first 1/2 hour.


I was surprised her show is no longer on a "prime" channel because Drew Barrymore has a new talk show in this slot.

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

At least they had their guest house to go to, there’s lots of people that don’t have that option . 

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

@homedecor1     I just saw the very ending when she said that they lost their home and their dog.  I freaked because I thought their beloved dog died in the fire.  It didn't.  I googled it a read that he passed peacefully in the back yard, in the sun and they had their arms around him when it happened.  Almost sounded like he was put to sleep but I truely don't know.  


She said that she lost a lifetime of notebooks and recipes and so forth that grew through the years.  As well as pictures and so forth.  The neighbor alerted them to the roof being on fire and she went upstairs to the bedroom and office area to get important things but she could hear the fire burning in the walls and then a first responder made her leave immediately.  She, husband and dog got out of the house and it totally burned in an hours time.


If you can google the ending of the show, you will see that her husband played the banjo and other musicians on other instruments were filtered in and she and her husband sang a song together.  They both sang very well and I enjoyed the song very much.  I think you will love it.  I can't remember the name of it but I think it is worthy of putting  on a record.  It really could be played on the pop and country stations.  Check it out if you can.



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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

@homedecor1 wrote:

I have been enjoying watching both Rachael & hubby during the shutdown from their beautiful home kitchen.


When I heard their home caught fire so sad!  Today was her "season premier" and she showed how devastating and the loss of her home.  Apparently, the fire started in the chimney even though she stated the have cleaned 2x's/year.


She said she's forever grateful a neighbor passing by saw the flames on the roof -- alerted them.


They were at their new home across the street -- that is beautiful too.


So happy everyone got out safely

 but just so sad to see the burned out home.  I'm sure they'll rebuild but I only saw the first 1/2 hour.


I was surprised her show is no longer on a "prime" channel because Drew Barrymore has a new talk show in this slot.

Looks like the Chimney Sweep guy will have a lot to answer for.

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

@homedecor1 - I saw that episode as well—so devastating! The loss of the home was bad enough, but she also lost all her work archives from many years. I think the timeslot and channel of the programming must depend on your area; the Rachael Ray show was on at the same time and channel as always for me, with Drew's show on at 8:00 a.m. on a different channel.

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

Yes, it was a good show .... I am glad they are OK ..... I  like when Rachel & John sing together 🥰❤️

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

Fire in a chimney in August? Odd! I've lived in this house for 39 years and NEVER built a fire in my wood burning stove in the month of August.

We do not burn any papers in our wood stove; everything that needs to be destroyed is shredded, and/or burned outside. If papers were burned in the stove, and there just happened to be leaves, pine needles or a nest inside the chimney, I can see a fire hazard.

However, if the chimney was built correctly like mine, it would've been a solid 4 walled brick chimney with the insulated stove pipe venting thru a clay thimble. If I have a chimney fire, it would be contained in the brick chimney.

A lightening strike hitting Rachel's house makes the most sense. We had damages from a lightening strike in July.
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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

@RedTop wrote:
Fire in a chimney in August? Odd! I've lived in this house for 39 years and NEVER built a fire in my wood burning stove in the month of August.

We do not burn any papers in our wood stove; everything that needs to be destroyed is shredded, and/or burned outside. If papers were burned in the stove, and there just happened to be leaves, pine needles or a nest inside the chimney, I can see a fire hazard.

However, if the chimney was built correctly like mine, it would've been a solid 4 walled brick chimney with the insulated stove pipe venting thru a clay thimble. If I have a chimney fire, it would be contained in the brick chimney.

A lightening strike hitting Rachel's house makes the most sense. We had damages from a lightening strike in July.

@RedTop  I don't know if they had a fire going or they had a lightening strike. It can get chilly in the Adirondacks at night even in August. They also lived way out in the woods in the middle of nowhere.

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

[ Edited ]

@RedTop and @proudlyfromNJ - The fire was caused by embers/sparks from the chimney escaping and igniting the roof; one of their neighbors came over on an ATV to tell them about the fire and help them evacuate. Rachael mentioned that she was glad she's had fire and rescue training as part of her work with the Leary Firefighters Foundation because it enabled her to recognize the sounds of the fire in the walls, so she knew there wasn't time to go gather all the things they wanted to save. So sad!

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Re: Did anyone watch Rachael Ray show today? (Her home fire)

Obviously roofing material played a big part in this devastating fire; asphalt shingles shouldn't have ignited that easily.