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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

Very likely Splenda does not metabolize (break down) which is why it's non-caloric. If you want something that tastes pretty good, try Stevia in the Raw.

I don't like regular stevia but this one tastes really good. I had a friend who made an apple pie and sweetened it with this rather than sugar. It was fantastic (she put on a single crust, filled with apples and cinnamon and the stevia.) We had it for Thanksgiving and it was better than regular pie.

Not bad in coffee.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

YES! YES! YES! I just discovered last night. I have been using a liquid water enhancer for several months. And have had no troubles until the past few weeks. Then I noticed tummy troubles. And out of my way - I have to go. I thought it was something I ate, of course. And through process of elimination I figured out last night it was the Splenda.

Not sure why I didn't have any trouble before I bought several cases of the water enhancer.

Occasional Contributor
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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

I have problems with Splenda also……discovered this years ago. I also can not tolerate any of the 'tols….malitol, sorbitol, xylitol. Totally exaggerates my IBS symptom. Aspartame and stevia do not although I try to keep aspartame to a minimum.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

I eliminated all artificial sweeteners. It took a long time.

They are probably one of the worst things you can put in your body, IMO. I didn't realize how addicted I was until I weaned myself off of them. Our bodies were just not meant to metabolize artificial sweeteners.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 brii said:

I eliminated all artificial sweeteners. It took a long time.

They are probably one of the worst things you can put in your body, IMO. I didn't realize how addicted I was until I weaned myself off of them. Our bodies were just not meant to metabolize artificial sweeteners.

I agree - and I was a former Diet Coke addict.

Now if I have one can a week, even that sets my tummy off and running!

I agree with Mika on Morning Joe - it's poison.

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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 terrier3 said:
On 6/11/2014 brii said:

I eliminated all artificial sweeteners. It took a long time.

They are probably one of the worst things you can put in your body, IMO. I didn't realize how addicted I was until I weaned myself off of them. Our bodies were just not meant to metabolize artificial sweeteners.

I agree - and I was a former Diet Coke addict.

Now if I have one can a week, even that sets my tummy off and running!

I agree with Mika on Morning Joe - it's poison.

I used to drink Diet Coke too - just a few here and there, not every day.

Now when I want something carbonated I drink La Croix or San Pellegrino with a lemon wedge.

Eliminating the caffeine and artificial sweeteners helped my sleep and menstrual symptom issues too.

But it was really hard to give up...

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

I think I have become allergic to sweeteners. I have noticed lately that if I make a smoothie and put in a packet of Splenda, I can taste it right away and it makes me stomach sick and gives me a headache. Even if I use one of those diet flavored drink packets that you add to a water bottle, the same thing happens to me so I don't use any sweeteners at all anymore, just a small amount of sugar and only in my tea. Occasionally when I drink diet Pepsi or diet Coke, it doesn't bother me.

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

Splenda never caused any problems for me but I have not used it in over a decade. I gradually stopped using it when I discovered stevia.

you can find out by doing a simple elimination test. Stop using it and see how you feel then add it back in after a while.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

Ladies-Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. Smiley Happy

So, this morning I fished out what was left of my Stevia bottle in the back of my cabinet. Have no idea why I stopped using it. Now it's all coming back to me. I think one day I just grabbed a packet of Splenda and then got back into using it. The brand of Stevia I have is called NuNaturals. Someone on these boards recommended it a long time ago on another thread and I bought it. I am toying with the amounts this morning. Had to throw out one cup of coffee b/c I over sweetened. I forget that with Stevia it only takes a tiny bit--a little bit of one dropperful--to sweeten my coffee to my liking.

So the moral to this story is, I have Stevia in my cabinet and I'm going to start using it again. Was it Nana above that mentioned the other brand of Stevia? I will check it out.

Thank you, thank you!

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Registered: ‎02-19-2012

Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

If you have questions or concerns, speaking to a physician or registered dietician would be a better option. There are many "experts" on these boards who are clearly misinformed and have very little knowledge of biochemistry or nutrition (despite what they may think).

There is a reason medical professionals spend years studying and training. The knowledge the experience they possess cannot be replicated by spending a few minutes using Google and visiting junk science websites.