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Can you make low carb bread in a bread machine?????

I'm tired of paying over $4 for a small loaf.

Any info or tips  or recommendations would be appreciated.

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I dont know why you couldn't.  Google some low carb bread recipes.  I just donated my bread machine because the cost of the mix and/or the bread flour and ingredients were way over $4.00.  Close to $6 or$ 7 and up.

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A decent bread machine will cost you upwards of $300 unless you can find one at a thrift store.  I had one years ago but I didn't like the quality of the bread and it got stale quickly.


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good question--so if there is no regular flour in that type of bread, do you not put yeast in it? does is rise much?  Or do you need something like baking powder or soda--- Have to research that one---- but to me-- it could be made like you make just a dough and not let it knead or rise---knead activates the gluten in it---have so many questions!!!Woman Wink

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Re: Bread machine

[ Edited ]

There are a FEW Recipes out there, but the one I tried IMO was AWFUL.  DH said he liked it, but I couldn't even stomach it.  Plus, the ingredients could possibly cost more and be more difficult to get than for regular bread.  


There's one I have yet to try, and that's Diedre's "For Real" Low Carb Bread on the Y-Tube.  You might take a look at that and the ingredients before investing in a machine. You could even try it the old fashioned way first.  


As far as machines go, you don't have to spend $300 on a machine.  I got mine for about $170 and it makes perfectly nice bread.  Even with an expensive Z machine, you have to babysit it a bit in the beginning to make sure you don't need to add a little water or flour since the humidity or dryness of the air can affect how much you need for a good dough ball. 


I don't bake my bread in my machine.  I like a standard shaped loaf and even the ones with a rectangular pan don't make it a standard size.  The first time I did that I just dumped the dough out and put it in a loaf pan without kneading or properly shaping it and it came out just fine.  


Oh, and no preservatives means it'll go bad quickly, but you can always slice and freeze the slices.  That's what I have to do when I make bread.

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Re: Bread machine

[ Edited ]

Not sure of the ingredients in low carb bread so have no idea of cost or how it would turn out in a bread machine. I don't see why you couldn't make the dough in the machine. 

We have a Panasonic bread machine. DH makes all the bread, buns, rolls etc. He uses the machine to make the dough. He always rolls out the dough to bake in the 13x4 pullman pan with lid. 

Came back to add he usually adds a cup of sourdough starter.

DH makes French bread with bread flour, salt & water so it's basically a $1 per loaf. It makes yummy French toast & garlic bread. We put it in the freezer until we need it.

The Buttermilk bread he's been making is $1.60 for the bread flour & buttermilk plus he adds a little salt, baking soda not powder, tablespoon of butter, 3 tablespoons honey. Has to be less than $2 per loaf.

I keep the bread in Debbie Meyer green bread boxes. Last loaf of Buttermilk bread left in the container a week later still not moldy but getting dry. DH threw it out for the birds & squirrels. 

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@Nightowlz wrote:

Not sure of the ingredients in low carb bread so have no idea of cost or how it would turn out in a bread machine. I don't see why you couldn't make the dough in the machine. 

We have a Panasonic bread machine. DH makes all the bread, buns, rolls etc. He uses the machine to make the dough. He always rolls out the dough to bake in the 13x4 pullman pan with lid. 

DH makes French bread with bread flour, salt & water so it's basically a $1 per loaf. It makes yummy French toast & garlic bread. We put it in the freezer until we need it.

The Buttermilk bread he's been making is $1.60 for the bread flour & buttermilk plus he adds a little salt, baking powder, tablespoon of butter, 3 tablespoons honey. Has to be less than $2 per loaf.

I keep the bread in Debbie Meyer green bread boxes. Last loaf of Buttermilk bread left in the container a week later still not moldy but getting dry. DH threw it out for the birds & squirrels. 



Would you mind please sharing the Buttermilk bread recipe he is using?



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Here's the Buttermilk recipe from Bread Machine Magic cookbook.

I forgot DH has a sourdough starter that he adds a cup to recipes. He was making this bread before he had the starter though.


Buttermilk Bread

1 1/8 c buttermilk

3 c bread flour

1 1/2 t salt

1 T butter

3 T honey

1/4 t baking soda

1 1/2 t yeast

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Thank you very, very much!!!

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@RespectLife wrote:



Thank you very, very much!!!



Your Welcome. Hope you like it.