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August 2018 What's Cooking ??

OK folks, someone needs to remind me when the first of the month comes around OR start the new thread yourselves. LOL. The memory cells do not work as well as they once did!!!! I do not have rights on starting these threads. Hint, hint!


Yesterday was another miserable day weather wise. Temps again did not rise to the point it broke any records but I do believe the mugginess did. That air is so miserable. I take a few steps and struggle to stay on my feet. I turn and have to grab something - have never had to do that. sigh.Even the nights are now back to sweating - just miserable.


I had a left over Philly Cheese sandwich - well half of one. The little ones were staying with friends - a first time visit with them. They are marvelous GOOD people and have a home which is quite stable - hard to find these days. I am picking them up late morning after my MD appointment - did not get a panic phone call last night so I guess all survived. LOL.


Stay cool  people

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

[ Edited ]

Last night, DH requested fried salami when I mentioned bruschetta, told him I do not fry salami, especially the Secchi, makes tiny slices, so compromised and gave him cheese and little slices bruschetta, but with a cucumber and tomato salad to push all of that fatty food through, lol.


I buy the Secchi for snacking, but it is usually a meal, with French bread, which I ate last night.  Later, for my late evening snack, I sliced strawberries and put in Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream, may stick with this instead of buying their strawberry, so good this way.


The other night, I had leftover plain pasta so added pesto and salmon and served that to DH, I ate pesto on grilled naan with romano as the parm ran out, so yummy.  I recently found a naan I prefer over what I had been buying, nice and chewy, at Trader Joe's, hardly go there, but am going to start, eggplant was only a $1,99 or so each, so much less than I can find anywhere else.  I had to break down and buy eggplant as my seedlings failed, so though I normally have more than I know what to do with, and was so counting on them this year, I won't reap any from the garden, so disappointed, never happened before.


A few weeks ago, I went to Trader Joe's for pepper flakes as a bottle is only $1 +, and came home with a cart load of food.  Tubs of the little oatmeal and current cookies, keep them in the frig, addictive, salami Secchi, micro greens, an organic French bread, almost as good as Acme,  Persian cucumbers, several varieties of hummus, could make it, but am lazy for cooking during the summer as I spend most days at hard labor outside, and ribs to cook, will get ribs when I go to Costco next.  I found sliced, cooked beets yesterday, so will pickle those.  I used to roast them, peel them, end up with red hands, a lot of trouble and energy, but maybe I can cook them in the air fryer, am going to try.


The weather has been wonderful, wish it would continue, but down the road lurks the high eighties and low nineties.

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

Tomorrow is trash day, so tonight is leftovers, and empty the fridge night. We can choose between spaghetti and garlic bread, beans and cornbread, and KFC chicken.

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

@RedTop wrote:
Tomorrow is trash day, so tonight is leftovers, and empty the fridge night. We can choose between spaghetti and garlic bread, beans and cornbread, and KFC chicken.




@RedTop  I choose KFC and beans. Smiley Happy

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

all sounds good but never had fried salami. cucumbers from our grden are nice and crispy and great right out of frig nice and cold in ranch dressing. we didnt plant eggplant  because last year it didnt do well and this year italian string beans arnt doing well.everything else is doing great.

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

Another super hot and muggy day - several more to come. Sigh.


Had oatmeal for breakfast and then a great grilled cheese with fried zucchini for lunch = at the Pepper Steak restaurant in San Bernardino. They have had great food for many many years.. Had several errands to run so when I got home I collapsed - that muggy weather really gets to me. Did get all the feeders filled and the water fountain cleaned out and with fresh water. My feathered friends are friends again. Then gave Ditty his afternoon snack and fresh water and have now called it quits. Hope all are OK. Lunch was very late so it also served as a dinner and yes of course I had some Moose Tracks Ice cream about 20 minutes ago so am full.


Stay cool!

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

The 2 of us ate the last of the beans and cornbread, potato pancakes, onions and jalapeno chow chow for supper tonight. Someone will have to cook tomorrow or order takeout!
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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

good morning evryone. today is another hot humid day. exspecting showers and thunder storms but no cool down. hot and muggy exspected most of next week. yuk. yestauday we went grocery shopping. anna and i that is. maria hates grocery shopping and i love it so it works out well. we had left over chowder for lunch and last night maria asked what i felt like eating. i said how about pepperoni pizza. so when i was down having car washed and then i vacuumed it. where we go vacuum is free with car wash. so i ordered a pepperoni pizza french fries and mozzarellas sticks. very good. maria made pretzels in the air fryer. came out really good and today shes making donuts allso in air fryer. hope everyone has a great weekend. 

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

@RedTop wrote:
The 2 of us ate the last of the beans and cornbread, potato pancakes, onions and jalapeno chow chow for supper tonight. Someone will have to cook tomorrow or order takeout!




@RedTop  I am still thinking about your beans.  I almost bought the ingredients, but remembered that first, I have to make another batch of refried beans, but I know for certain, I will make your beans in the Fall. Smiley Happy

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Re: August 2018 What's Cooking ??

[ Edited ]

Hi @mousiegirl------I want to make @RedTop's beans also. Did she ever leave us a method or recipe ? I only remember that must add a tbs of sugar 

at the end....

@Winifred-----how did the overnight with the new friends go for them and the babies?  I love zucchini......

@Pooky1------you went grocery shopping.......Maria has menus into the next century and you picked up a pizza ? Sounds like me.


I got really fed up with paying almost $4 for about a cup of fruit salad at Panera so I got a ton of assorted fruits and today I am making a load of summer fruit salad....I will add the strawberries as I eat it so that it will last longer in the fridge. Can not wait !

Also going to sautée some zucchini , onions, garlic and tomatoes with a pork chop as a go with...

@RedTop------how do you reheat your leftover KFC ? I don't like the way it tastes when I try ......