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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

I like oat milk and almond milk.

We used Oatly and some other brands.

Bf made his own oat milk cashew milk combo the first time he liked it but the second time he didn’t.

Not sure what he is going to do next. 

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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄


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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄


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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

I used to drink the commercially made plant milk, but I've been making my own in the Vitamix for a couple of years. I like oat and coconut and have made almond a few times.

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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄



How do you make your oat milk

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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

@shoekitty wrote:



How do you make your oat milk



1 cup quick oats

4 cups water

2 dates

1 tbsp chia seeds


Throw everything in a high speed blender.

Blend on high for 40-45 seconds

Strain via fine-meshed cloth (nut milk bag or an old clean T-shirt)


So easy.

So inexpensive.

So creamy.

I think the small amt of chia makes a difference...

plus adds a little bit of Omega 3.


I mean...I would challenge anyone to find the taste difference

between Dairy milk and Plant milk using this receipe.

And you prob have the ingredients in your pantry!




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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

I love this!  I am trying it this weekend.  I have everthing but the chia seeds.  I would think the chia seeds not only adds a pinch of flavor, but would make it creamy like milk..  I do drink milk, and never like it.  I used to use soy, but that isnt too good for me, but I do use organic almond or hemp milk for cereal and baking.


do you make your won almond milk??

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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

[ Edited ]

@shoekitty wrote:

I love this!  I am trying it this weekend.  I have everthing but the chia seeds.  I would think the chia seeds not only adds a pinch of flavor, but would make it creamy like milk..  I do drink milk, and never like it.  I used to use soy, but that isnt too good for me, but I do use organic almond or hemp milk for cereal and baking.


do you make your won almond milk??


Might want to try without chia...who knows? Maybe it’ll be perfect.

Could always add in the chia & reblend later. 


Almond? I bet @blackhole99 has a good recipe...share?


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Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

Silk - Almond & Coconut Unsweetened -   Yum!

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Aug 22: Plant Milk Day! 🌿🚫🐄

For those reading who are on the fence to switch or

those who are using PB milks & want to know more info, 

FORBES featured an article about the popularity of PB milks

and how they’re really making a dent in the dairy pocketbooks.

It’s a longer read, but Enjoy!





