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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Anyone solve the lid pop off problem on the new canisters?

On a post several days ago, hippiegirl gave us all a heads up on the new canister set having a problem with the lids popping off or not staying in their holes securely, as the gaskets are too big.

I had ordered four sets of these, (before the reviews and her post let us know there was a problem!) and I had been pondering what a solution might be if I had the same problem when mine arrived. I received two sets today, only opened one, and my lids won't stay down in place either.

Has anyone come up with a way to solve this? I tried twisting the lids as I placed them on, thinking it might make the gasket stay in. I tried turing the gasket upside down (or inside out really as they come with the ribbed side out, I tried the smooth side out), and the only thing I can come up with is removing the gasket altogether. This will work on the top rack, as I prefer for the little canisters to sit upright in the holder, but the bottom ones sit at a slant, and it is likely that the lids will fall off either with or without the gaskets on the lid. There is enough of a lip on the lids that they sit in place without the gasket, but if bumped or moved by someone not knowing better, could be easily knocked off. If I was going to be the only one handling these, I might be OK, but I bought a couple sets to put in the bathrooms to hold Q-Tips, cotton pads, denture supplies,floss, etc. I'm afraid that others will not be able to handle them without breaking since the gaskets are out (no way I can keep gaskets in at this time as the lids creep up and want to fall off, and also looks like a bunch of drunk chickens as they sit all askew because the gasket doesn't hold the lid down tight).

As big of a fan of TT as I am, I'm getting tired of paying so much (with shipping these items are not inexpensive anymore) for these products, and having to rig them or be excessively careful with them. This was such a cute idea, but if the lids won't stay on, what does Tara really think we can do with these? I'm contemplating sending them back if I can't come up with a solution. I bought the set of three fluted canistes several years ago, and the gaskets on those work just fine, but the gaskets on the 3 pc convertible set doesn't work well, when you use it as a cake pedestal, your have to hold both pieces when moving it or it will fall out and break (yep! had it happen!) You think I'd learn my lesson with gasket pieces!

Has anyone solved this problem? Have any of you had yours long enough that the gasket "breaks in" and no longer wants to pop the lid off because it has settled in some? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I really want to keep these!