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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

I purchased two full set of All Clad years ago! Got some great freebies too with those purchases! I can't believe I used to buy all the cheapy brands and wonder why I had to throw them away a few years later. My All Clad is years old and honestly looks brand spanking new! I throw it in my dishwasher and "walla" it comes out all sparkling brand new looking! Its worth every penny.

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I'm waiting for them to come out with pans that come with glass lids.  I don't want to have to buy them as extras in addition to the SS lids.


I'm using Calphalon now because of the glass lids.  I know the SS lids look more "professional"(LOL), but the glass are more practical in my world.

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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@mare54 wrote:

Sounds like a few haters. I'm excited to learn and I think you have to learn how to cook with them. I have an induction cooktop so I think these will work great. Yes you cook on lower heat. I made my DH and I omelets yesterday and they turned out great. LOW HEAT is the secret. The set I purchased is All Clad d5 Brushed SS. I think I'm going to love them!!!

@mare54 It is sort of the same thing with Le Creuset pans.  That cast iron gets really hot.  If you read instructions on their website or in one of the little booklets that comes with them, it is a great lesson.


Another thing I learned from one of the Le Creuset cookbooks (those have great tips about cooking and are cheap on Amazon--several editions but all are good) is not to use a pan or pot that is too big for what you are cooking.  That's one of the biggest secrets in the kitchen world!  The food needs to be sort of cuddled in the pot, not lost and alone in there!  LOL!!!  It really does make a difference!



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I can't imagine why a stainless steel pan would rust???? 


I have a combo of AC stainless, AC non-stick, Scanpan and Le Creuset. Different pans for different purposes. I've had all for years and have had no problems with any.