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Re: A really good Fall supper!

Wendys also makes a decent chili.  Not spicy enough for me but I cut up some fresh peppers 

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Re: A really good Fall supper!

Chili is one of my favorite foods and I could even eat it in the summer (I don't though).  I have everything to make it but I always freeze the leftovers and I have no room in the freezer right now.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: A really good Fall supper!

good afternoon everyone. this whole week should be cloudy cool and rainy. yestauday maria cooked a chicken and rice soup and today chicken fryed steak, mashed potatoes and corn. both were very good.hope everyone has a great week.

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Re: A really good Fall supper!

[ Edited ]

DH just said it was time to make some Chili. DH likes his made with chili meat & some top sirloin from the meat market.

It's getting cooler here. A front is moving in as I type. Suppose to get down in the 30's tonight.

I put a pot roast in the ducth oven earlier. It smells yummy in here. Can't wait for dinner.