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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

@iTalia wrote:

While the sentiment of this ring is heartwarming, the look of this ring actually creeps me out. Can't put my finger on it (no pun intended lol) as to why but maybe it's the black detail outlining the fingers, knuckles, etc. It's just very weird looking to me.

Perhaps without the black on it, this ring would be much more appealing. 

Thank you for saying this Italia, I thought the same thing the minute I saw this ring.  I just turned to Q and it's on.  I thought what in the world is that.  I thought it was creept too.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

No you are right children are beautiful, this ring is not!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

If you want it please buy and wear with the love you feel for the child that lives in your heart. 

The opinions and taste of others should not be in anyone's heart.  Stand tall, strong, and be your on woman with tons of confidence.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Registered: ‎06-24-2010

I have been wearing this ring for days and absolutely love it.  I miss those little hands wrapped around my fingers. 

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Detta, I'll bet Scott feels the same way when he reads these posts.  He has been working on this ring for such a long time and talks with such passion when describing it to the viewers.  His heart must have sank when he read these posts.  The thing to note is that most of these negative comments come from viewers who are reacting to the picture only.  In person, the ring is lovely.  I hope you change your mind and order it.  I think you will love it.

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎01-16-2016

Awesome. I too love ring.

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎04-09-2016

Detta.....I am also single, no children and I am 55yo.  My only niece & nephew are grown and in their twenties.


When I saw this ring & heard the story, I was very moved, for I think there is nothing more beautiful than the innocence & love of a child.  As someone who lives alone,there is something comforting about wearing a ring symbolizing a child's hand holding my also reminds me to think of my inner child with her needs and wants that I have spent years pushing away with a food addiction.


This ring can have many, many meanings that are unique to each person who wears it......if it spoke to you and it brings you joy or comfort, purchase it, wear it and love is a heavier piece of jewelry & I usually like more delicate pieces, but the symbolism of this piece and the comfort it brings me outweighs everything else, including the nasty comments of many who post on these boards.....there are a lot of miserable people in the world who could use the love a child holding on to their finger to warm their cold heart.


Enjoy your ring sweetie & I hope it brings you as much joy & comfort as mine does.