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Received my oto jai bangle, beautiful, but why wasn't it sent in a jai box? I feel if you spend $200.00 on a bangle, at least put it in the box of the designer. This was for me, but would really annoy me if I was going to give it as a gift.
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It makes absolutely no difference to me what kind of box my jewelry is shipped in.   As soon as I open it,  I pitch the box.   I don't give gifts to people who are snobby enough to care about the packaging of their gift.   It's what's inside that counts. 

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@willomenia wrote:
Received my oto jai bangle, beautiful, but why wasn't it sent in a jai box? I feel if you spend $200.00 on a bangle, at least put it in the box of the designer. This was for me, but would really annoy me if I was going to give it as a gift.

I agree with you.  I also believe if I spend hundreds of dollars on a gold ring with sapphires and diamonds, it should come in a ring box and not a drawstring pouch.

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I've been reading reviews about that situation, about buying a $200 - $500 piece of designer jewelry and it's thrown in a plastic bag and put in a Q box, that quite a few people are really upset about it.  Some of us love the designer boxes and keep them.... I do, and would be really miffed not to have it presented as it would be in a brick and mortar jewelry store.....  I agree with OP....


The same with dining at a four star restaurant and have the food brought out on a paper plate..... Woman Frustrated

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@Kachina624 wrote:

It makes absolutely no difference to me what kind of box my jewelry is shipped in.   As soon as I open it,  I pitch the box.   I don't give gifts to people who are snobby enough to care about the packaging of their gift.   It's what's inside that counts. 

"Snobby" if you prefer nice packaging? That's pretty harsh and kinda judgmental.

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I agree, I don't think it's "snobby" to want a box that tells you the brand o f what you are getting or giving as a gift. I like all my purchases to be labeled..if I buy a vacuum, I want to know that brand too. When you spend good money on a beautiful item, you want the presentation to be pretty too. I also like to wrap my presents, perhaps some people just throw them in a brown paper bag. 

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I completely agree. Buying a designer item for a considerable amount of money should mean the packaging reflects that item. It is part of the visual presentation which is the main point when it comes to gift-giving. Even if I made the rare decision to splurge on an item just for myself, I would want the thrill of receiving, opening, and storing it in its very special box. Sadly, packaging is no longer reflective of the cost of jewelry items. QVC's Arte d'Oro 18k Italian jewelry, which costs hundreds up to thousands of dollars, now comes in the standard nondescript QVC cardboard box instead of the gorgeous green velvet box with gold script offered previously. A nicer gift box purchased in quantity at wholesale prices is not that expensive, especially when compared to the overall cost of the item. I love it that some designers like Judith Ripka understand this and care about her customers and her product. 

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Re: designer boxes

[ Edited ]

Jai boxes are really nice.  And useful for storage and kids' play.  The top is hinged.  And it's a soothing shade of green.  I once received a jai item in a qvc box and it was obviously used and scratched.

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it doesnt matter what type of box my jewelry is delivered in.

i have been saying this for years. i would much rather NOT even receive a box.

i have so many small boxes and bags for gifting and have given away so many small boxes because there is just no space for them.

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Just last week I threw out about 2 dozen designer boxes and pouches.  They take up a ridiculous amount of space.  I keep my jewelry in an armoire so have no idea why I was saving them.