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Re: What color should iolite be?

@mia 2 wrote:

If anyone is interested in seeing the color I received, look at item # J329515 and click on the "iolite" choice.  That is the color I got and it dosn't have any blue in it.  It looks like an amethyst.  Doesn't look like any of the photos posted in this thread.  Any impressions are appreciated.  Don't understand why, Bixby would put in a stone that doesn't look like iolite. She prides herself on the quality of her pieces.

It's a very pretty ring but it shows up blue on my iPad

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Re: What color should iolite be?

yeah, blue, too. That 'garnet' looks purple sure isn't true garnet.

I think you did ok for what was offered.

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Re: What color should iolite be?

when the tsv Bixby ring first came out I ordered iolite that was not good. Was a pale version so I ordered it again about a year later and got a much more saturated blue color. I think the color should be a deep blueberry based on a ring I got a qvc many years ago set in gold that really looks like a juicy blueberry and is a great color. 

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Re: What color should iolite be?

@mia 2 wrote:

If anyone is interested in seeing the color I received, look at item # J329515 and click on the "iolite" choice.  That is the color I got and it dosn't have any blue in it.  It looks like an amethyst.  Doesn't look like any of the photos posted in this thread.  Any impressions are appreciated.  Don't understand why, Bixby would put in a stone that doesn't look like iolite. She prides herself on the quality of her pieces.

On my computer, the Iolite in the ring you have linked looks like iolite should.  I don't see the purple ammy look.  This has a lot more to do with our computers and how they display colors for us.


Also, some gemstones are much more color saturated the larger the stone gets.  So, smaller stones don't like as deep as a larger stone.  A good Iolite stone will have a bluish tone to it.

*Call Tyrone*