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Yes, you have been very helpful as always. I, ahem, might be checking it out in the largest size very soon, as it appear the gems take up a lot of depth, and make the fit tighter than it would be otherwise. The reason I never went for the original JR2 Ambrosia is that it would have had to be lengthened for me by about three links. I am glad you truly love yours. I trust your opinion, as you know.

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On 8/29/2014 anisha said: Hi Kappy, Congratulations on the Ambrosia bracelet. I am sure it's the bomb. I am still resisting it. Wear it in the best of health along with your other treasures.

Thanks so much, Anisha. Will you watch Lisa's presentation? I know you'll make the right decision for you. Enjoy the new treasures headed your way too.

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On 8/29/2014 Jersey Born said:

Yes, you have been very helpful as always. I, ahem, might be checking it out in the largest size very soon, as it appear the gems take up a lot of depth, and make the fit tighter than it would be otherwise. The reason I never went for the original JR2 Ambrosia is that it would have had to be lengthened for me by about three links. I am glad you truly love yours. I trust your opinion, as you know.

I'm happy to have been able to offer some help. Just remember that although the gems are saturated, they are not dark, dark, dark like a LBT would be. Let me know what you decide.

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Hi Kappy, my DH saw me looking at the bracelet and said " why don't you get it home and see if you love it ", so you know what I did next !! It's coming home to me - just to see you know !!!!
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On 8/29/2014 anisha said: Hi Kappy, my DH saw me looking at the bracelet and said " why don't you get it home and see if you love it ", so you know what I did next !! It's coming home to me - just to see you know !!!!

What a keeper your DH is! Hope you love it, honey.


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Does the Ambrosia bracelet spin around so the clasp is on top of your wrist, like it kept doing on Lisa tonight? For that much money, a "designer" bracelet should have a heavy enough clasp so it is balanced.
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Hi Kappy, I changed my mind and decided not to get the bracelet , second thoughts and for me that means I am not 100% sure. I am sure something else will tempt me in the future.
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The Ambrosia bracelet on LRS was a real beauty. So scrumptious!

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On 8/29/2014 Penellope said: Does the Ambrosia bracelet spin around so the clasp is on top of your wrist, like it kept doing on Lisa tonight? For that much money, a "designer" bracelet should have a heavy enough clasp so it is balanced.

Welcome to the Forum, Penellope!

Keep in mind that I've had the Ambrosia bracelet for less than 24 hours, I did not notice any turning at all, although I'm sure it moved around as I did not want it skin tight. I had it on for several hours and I wasn't fussing with the bracelet at all. I hope this information helps.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/29/2014 anisha said: Hi Kappy, I changed my mind and decided not to get the bracelet , second thoughts and for me that means I am not 100% sure. I am sure something else will tempt me in the future.

Then you made the correct call for you, Anisha. Maybe you'll pick it up on clearance! Ha, ha. And you're correct, there is always something fabulous in the future. Smiley Happy