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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Thank you littleone2. These are beautiful pieces. Some of Ms Judie's best.
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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

WOW! WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Magnificent.

I am so happy for you and hope you will enjoy and wear them in the best of health.

And speaking of health, how's the family, especially the twins?

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Registered: ‎05-16-2013

Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Hi Kappy, thank you. I really love how fabulous these gemstones are and how beautiful the suite is. I am a permanent member of the BGB stadium ! My twins are better with their coughs but have just started a cold . The pre-school germ cycle seems endless and I have been very worried so much so as to warrant multiple Doctor visits. The Doctor assures me that this is quite normal and they will get thru it all. I have my fingers crossed.
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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

You are such a bad girl OP. (smile) I've been snowed in up here near Boston for what seems like forever. I've cleaned everything that can be cleaned, read a book, done other work, shoveled off a roof, shoveled what seems like the entire town, four times, but until your pictures, I have resisted looking at JR and and Talbots and buying myself something(s). I guess it's time to eat some chocolate and go shovel some more so I won't spend money I really shouldn't.

They're SO gorgeous. Wear them in health and happiness!

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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Hi Anisha!

What stunning jewelry! You take such awesome pictures. I LOVE the cuff, but it's too caloric for my Ripka diet right now. Enjoy wearing this gorgeous suite!!!! {#emotions_dlg.tt1}

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Registered: ‎05-16-2013

Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Hi meglet, thank you . I laughed so much reading your post- picturing you shoveling snow to avoid the JR / Talbots temptations ! Eating chocolate hasn't helped me one bit though !!! Stay warm and safe.
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Registered: ‎05-16-2013

Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Hi BGDC, thank you . I so loved taking pictures of this suite. I sometimes wonder why the Q can't post lovely pictures of the jewelry ? If I with my amateur skills and camera can, they should be able to do better. They should hire me !!!
Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

I love when she did her gemstones glad that she went back to that....all your pieces are gorgeous enjoy!

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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

ANISHA: Wowza {#emotions_dlg.tt1}{#emotions_dlg.tt1} You hit the Jackpot! Lovely pieces, beautiful collection. Enjoy them!

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Posts: 13,954
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Re: Some new JR treasures - Pictures speak for themselves.....

Where you would wear this jewelry?