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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

Onyx is a very common stone. They don't need to put in a fake unless it's to make a bigger profit. That's like using fake quartz. Just not necessary. I'm surprised they didn't stick Diamonique in it, too. That seems to be in everything any more. Used to watch the gem shows, but I gave up when the bracelets started having a comma in the price. I like a pretty bracelet, but not something I'm taking a chance of being robbed. If it has to be in a safety deposit box, it's not owned by me.

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

I stopped watching when I saw the high prices for the opal..."triplet " rings, pendants,and earrings.  It is actually 3 layers.  The top is actually a plastic, the middle is the gemstone which is very thin strip, and the bottom is stone.  And you pay a high price.  Some people I think actually believe the entire piece is all opal.  Its not.  Only a very minor portion is opal. 


Its not just QVC that sells this....other places also do this.  The buyer has to be very careful what they are buying.  Solid opal, doublets (2 layers), or triplets (3 layers)


I just don't think QVC does a very good job at all at making this distinction.  Thats all. 

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

The indication is that they are real.Jennifer was mistaken!!

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

[ Edited ]

@ruthbe wrote:

I stopped watching when I saw the high prices for the opal..."triplet " rings, pendants,and earrings.  It is actually 3 layers.  The top is actually a plastic, the middle is the gemstone which is very thin strip, and the bottom is stone.  And you pay a high price.  Some people I think actually believe the entire piece is all opal.  Its not.  Only a very minor portion is opal. 


Its not just QVC that sells this....other places also do this.  The buyer has to be very careful what they are buying.  Solid opal, doublets (2 layers), or triplets (3 layers)


I just don't think QVC does a very good job at all at making this distinction.  Thats all. 



Opals are very soft and sometimes putting them in-between two layers can be beneficial for setting them into jewelry.  I don't see anything wrong with this kind of practice but I as a buyer I would like to know if the stone I bought was a doublet or triplet.

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

I realize opals are very soft gemstones.  However my point is I think it is way over priced to sell OPAL jewelry for very high prices that has only a very tiny amount of opals in it. 

I have seen pieces of triplet opal pieces for several hundreds of dollars!!!  I think that is terrible.  But if people want to pay that kind of many for just a tiny piece of opals, than that is their choice. 

I personally have saved my money and have gotten good quality solid opals and have enjoyed them.  To me the beauty of solid opals doesn't even come close. 

But every one has a right to their own opinion. 

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

Post this question in Customer Care. I think there’s definately a need for clarification. 

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

[ Edited ]

@Purseone wrote:

I called Customer Service and Yes, it's simulated. This is the first time it's been mentioned. Bad marketing QVC. I cancelled my orders.

That's just ridiculous... They must be making a bundle on these bracelets. The silver isn't particularly heavy or costly and onyx isn't among the more costly gemstones... Why would they need to use simulated onyx... I did notice in the video I watched and mentioned earlier that they gave very short shrift to the onyx option and focused on all the others... Not mentioning the gemstone isn't real in a situation like this is a lie by omission. They know the assumption will be made that those purchasing believe they'll be getting an actual onyx bracelet...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

I called CS & they said it was real. 

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Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

Absolutely deceptive marketing. Shameful!  Borderline illegal.The online desription says almost nothing about the various gems. I don't see anything about simulated onyx there.What about the other stones? Are they genuine? I really feel for the customers that have been duped by QVC. And besides, the last few sterling and gem TSV's have looked so cheap. Because they are. Remember the recent rosary bead gem double necklace. Everyone sent that one back too. But they still win, by charging everyone $10.00 just to try it on. I vote for Danny and Or Paz doing these TSV's! Charge a bit more but give us something decent to buy.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Simulated onyx??? or real?

@WindingRoad  QVC owns Or Paz so don't put too much faith in anything onyx Danny does either Woman LOL

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