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Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

I'm usually not drawn to really "blingy" jewelry, but I really like this piece. I wound up buying it in both the spinel and tanzanite. Anyone else?

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Re: Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

I saw the presentation at midnight (since I was having trouble falling asleep) and although it is pretty & sparkly, i don't really need it so I am going to pass.

hope you enjoy it if you decide to buy it.

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Re: Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

I saw those and really liked them but I didn't buy anything. The UPS man brought me a bracelet today and that will be that for a while. Enjoy your beautiful necklaces.
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Re: Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

I really wanted the black spinel but couldn't stay up for the midnight presentation and by the time I looked on-line a little after 8:00 a.m., that one had sold out.

Funny thing is, Chuck posted about these with a photo on his FB page and predicted the tanzanite would be gone at midnight.

Enjoy. Please post a review when you receive it. I may be able to pick it up at a later date.

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Re: Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

They were pretty but I'm seeing too much black rodium in Chuck's pieces. I hope that's not becoming his new norm.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: Shop HQ's TTV - Gemstone Dogtag Pendant

I thought the tanzanite was pretty pale. I liked the amethyst best, but I didn't order one since I had just ordered his clearanced initial pendant in the multicolors. I really liked the way the "L" looked hanging from the top of the letter.....kind of lopsided!

Laura loves cats!