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RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I understand that silver prices have gone up, BUT to sell bronze as a replacement now and at "old" silver prices is silly, in my opinion - designer jewelry or not.

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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

Hopefully this will not be the new normal. This was very disappointing.
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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

wow! glad I was half asleep watching that show. I thought all his silver pieces were silver!! I just went back and looked at his show review and ""white bronze"" never heard of that. Thank goodness I didn't order anything. Will keep all my old solid silver rings from the past I have from him.

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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I looked through the items from the RLM show last night and really liked the molten ring. After realizing that it isn't sterling, I decided to pass. I know times/prices/etc change, but I am so happy I purchased many RLM & JR items years ago when the pieces contained more gemstones and silver, and the prices were within my reach.
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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

It's much more than just silly but I'll keep that to myself. Certainly NOT worth the money from any designer I don't care who it is. Anything they paint over bronze, copper, quickly turns back to the cheap base metal and ruins the entire look.

Save your money. Designs may be nice but the white (silver) yellow (gold) and pink (rose) do not stay that way. Trust me, I've made the mistake a couple of times too many spending my money on such pieces because they are no longer what I initially purchased AND this means it's turned into JUNK for the trash because I no longer wear them.

WHY oh WHY spend money on jewelry like this???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I love my bronze - and my copper as well as my gold.

I don't much care what they say - it's the product itself that matters to me.

Whatever they were saying or showing, viewers were happy enough to give them lots of sell-outs.

I hadn't planned to watch, but since I fell asleep in my recliner and woke up to silver, I did watch off and on during the night. Didn't buy, just watched. The one item I absolutely loved belonged to Ripka - a bejeweled black cuff totally inappropriate for the life I lead. Thank heavens because the last thing I need is an expensive piece of jewelry to look at and wonder why I bought it!

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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

What choice does he have? He can't give jewelry away below cost and QVC customers won't pay sterling silver prices for big, bold, heavy pieces.
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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I was up for his show and liked the loooong earrings the model wore. Then the show started and I saw that it was all bronze. Ugh. No thanks!
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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I think there is much more to the story... he sold his company a few years ago. We don't know what the terms of that agreement were. What he is selling now may be his new line, and he may be constrained by that agreement. Or he may just be representing the new company in what they choose to manufacture.

I don't expect them to tell me the back story when they present the jewelry. They just say what they think will make it sell.

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Re: RLM - Bronze the New Silver?

I am so glad I bought RLM years ago when his pieces were made in silver. I'm not the least interested in bronze.