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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Purple color changing garnets on Evine. WOW

I want, do not need.

Anyone have, can you post experience?

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Registered: ‎05-27-2013

The purple garnets have also been on JTV in recent months. They're interesting, but I haven't bought any. Beloved Spouse has a thing for amethyst and has given me far more of them than I ever cared to have, so I haven't been moved to buy any more purple stone jewelry. In fact, I wish he would cut it out, but don't believe it is ever a good idea to discourage your husband from buying you jewelry. 


If the idea of them grabs you, please consider looking at both sources to compare prices. 

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Posts: 1,281
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

@VegasBusinessWoman. Thanks. We don't get JTV, these are new to me. Darned federal income taxes!  Crimping my style.

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Presumably, you'd have to carry a flashlight around with you to show the color changes, otherwise they're going to stay the same color. 


@Nomorebirthdays  They were on Evine over the week-end. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎05-27-2013

Nomorebirthdays wrote:

@VegasBusinessWoman. Thanks. We don't get JTV, these are new to me. Darned federal income taxes!  Crimping my style.


No more, I hear ya!  Gotta pay our personal taxes and our business taxes.  I feel poor right at the moment.  And just when there are some cute things I'd LOVE to buy!

Super Contributor
Posts: 293
Registered: ‎02-06-2013

ShopLC carries this new purple garnet. It's gorgeous!