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Posts: 299
Registered: ‎05-09-2014

Hello I have a question about this ring, do you think it is a good investment? He says the sapphire is untreated and I am guessing that is a good thing because he mentioned it, but I have not seen anything like this on the q and was wondering could this stone be worth more money some day? what do you think? I was looking at his Australian opals and then did some reading about them and the sites I was at said triplets are not really worth buying, you are better to buy a doublet, I like the look of it but would rather buy something that would at least hold its value. what are your thoughts on this

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

what is the number?

Super Contributor
Posts: 299
Registered: ‎05-09-2014

Hello Phoenixbrd, the item number for the ring is J279052 it does have some bad reviews but then some good ones too. I was reading that an untreated sapphire is rare don't know if this is true or not, just started getting interested in jewelry. Anyway the pink is supposed to be rare too, so shouldn't this ring cost more then it does? I don't mean to sound negative but can we really believe everything they say on qvc? do you think they will lie about their gemstones or is this a good place to buy gemstones? Just wondering

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Posts: 2,139
Registered: ‎04-30-2013

I think the ring is very pretty. Don't get it wet.

It doesn't say this is a triplet. The other opal rings are described as triplet.