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@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere wrote:

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere  You're welcome!  Where did you purchase this gorgeous opal stone?  I love gemstones, opals and anything set in big, bold gold! Smiley Very Happy  Yes indeed, saving up is the smart move to do- I have to save up for when I go to my favorite pawn shop and get a little ring or a necklace.  I still think about that beautiful fire opal ring that you posted a photo of! Heart

I bought that opal from JTV.  Do you get that channel?  Well, if not you can always go online.  They have great prices.  You can get a nice opal already set in SS at crazy cheap prices.  I bought a couple of those too!


I love checking at the pawn shop for great deals.  Mom and I always go to a couple around Christmas to see if we can something.  I got that fire opal back in the early 90s when jewelry was still relatively cheap lol.😃

@cheriere  Ooh you must've gotten a great deal on that opal from JTV Smiley Very HappyHeart! I have seen JTV before, but I keep forgetting what channel it is- myabe its for the ebst since I'd probably go nuts and buy a ton of beautiful jewelry at killer deals Smiley Very Happy!  I'll go on JTV's website to look at all of the beautiful jewelry Smiley HappyHeart.  I love pawn shops! The one I go to always cuts me a great deal on gold jewelry and some days they even have sales on the entire store.  My dream in a few years is to buy myself a nice little heart shaped diamond ring- everytime I go to the pawn shop I ask them if they have one Smiley LOL!

Actually ShopLC dot com has the best prices if anyone.  They have a channel too.  They don't put nearly as much on the website as they air on tv.  But, JTV does.🌸

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: OPAL Needs Set

[ Edited ]

@cheriere wrote:



You're never gonna believe this, but my ex left a message on my answering machine yesterday I guess.  Anyways, it was super scratchy sounding so I couldn't tell who he said, but he wanted to let me know someone died and left his new number for me to call him back!


Well, I've not decided if I'll call or not, but I know I won't today because I woke up with no voice.  I must have caught something or my vocal polyps are inflamed, nit sure but anyways, Would you call later on when feeling better or not?  
I wish I could've understood in the message WHO it was that died.

@cheriere  I'm sorry that someone that you and your ex know has passed- that's so strange that the answering machine didn't pick up all of the words- maybe his cellphone had bad reception? That's a tough one- a part of me thinks that its divine intervention that you lost some of your voice today- maybe God wants you to think about this some more before you speak to him. 


     If it was just to try to get you back, I'd think about if you want him back- if he even deserves the lovey, one of a kind beautiful Cheriere! If you think he's truly calling to let you know of someone's passing, I'd call later today or tomorrow and keep the call focused on learning that information.  I hope you and your voice gets better! Keep me posted Smiley Happy  Hot tea helps me get my voice back when it gives out. 

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Posts: 7,708
Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere wrote:



You're never gonna believe this, but my ex left a message on my answering machine yesterday I guess.  Anyways, it was super scratchy sounding so I couldn't tell who he said, but he wanted to let me know someone died and left his new number for me to call him back!


Well, I've not decided if I'll call or not, but I know I won't today because I woke up with no voice.  I must have caught something or my vocal polyps are inflamed, nit sure but anyways, Would you call later on when feeling better or not?  
I wish I could've understood in the message WHO it was that died.

@cheriere  I'm sorry that someone that you and your ex know has passed- that's so strange that the answering machine didn't pick up all of the words- maybe his cellphone had bad reception? That's a tough one- a part of me thinks that its divine intervention that you lost some of your voice today- maybe God wants you to think about this some more before you speak to him.  Its tough when exes reach out- my ex reached out trying to apologize and saying typical sweet stuff when he knew he did me worng.  He reached out sending those texts after 6 years of no contact and he was the one who broke up with me on the phone on Christmas Eve.  I ignored his message for 5 months and then texted him to be a character reference for my police application.  He wrote the reference and that's it. 


     If it was just to try to get you back, I'd think about if you want him back- if he even deserves the lovey, one of a kind beautiful Cheriere! If you think he's truly calling to let you know of someone's passing, I'd call later today or tomorrow and keep the call focused on learning that information.  I hope you and your voice gets better! Keep me posted Smiley Happy  Hot tea helps me get my voice back when it gives out. 


Thats actually PERFECT advice.  It is weird that I have no voice today.  That's a great point you made too!

Im definitely not calling today.  I'm not sure if I'll call tomorrow either.  This is something I'm gonna have to think about.


Both of his parents passed away years ago, kinda young actually.  I went to his moms funeral because we were still together.  I did send flowers to his dads a few years ago.  Funny thing, it was after that he showed up at my house and told me he didn't even go!  Apparently and knowing him, there was some quarrel going on, but who lets that stop them from going!?  I thought he must've been on something at that time...I hope not, but it didn't make sense.


So, that would only leave friends of ours.  His best friend died last year, but I don't remember getting a call.  I have a feeling you're right about some of the reasons behind this reaching out.  It was such a bad, hurtful break, I forgive him...but I still don't trust him with LOTS of things!  My parents will NEVER forgive him.  They're a lot harder than me lol.

I'll take today to think about it.  Thank you for this advice.  I really appreciate you as a friend.  You're my forum bestie!💝🌸

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: OPAL Needs Set

[ Edited ]

@cheriere  Oh thank you so much for your sweet words! I can tell you that my relationship wisdom comes from a lot of hurt- men have wronged me before in dating and I've stood up for myself and left those relationships and I am so proud of you for always standing up for youself too Heart! I want to look out for you in any way I can because nobody messes with someone I care about!  Sure, maybe this phone message could be about someone who passed- but maybe its someone he doesn't even care about- maybe it could be his mail man or his dry cleaner- but he might use death as a way to try to reel you in. 


     He's really wrong to not go to his Dad's funeral and he is so wrong for hurting you.  When it comes to men- I never forgive and I never forget.  I'm a God fearing girl and I have a great heart- but I cannot give my heart back to a man who has hurt me and I cannot listen to men trying to get back into my life when they didn't treasure me while they had me.  I gave that Chistmas Eve breakup ex a few chances while I was with him since he'd break up with me and ask me back over the few months we dated and it really made my head spin- sometimes I didn't even know if it was a breakup or not.  It was all about his moods and his issues and how I need to chill out and stop trying to help him.  I'm glad that he's out of my life. Smiley Wink


    Don't call him today or tomorrow- maybe never call him if that's what you decide.  You've got your great life and the people you love who love and care about you and the great guys you haven't met yet who I know are in your future Smiley Happy.    I learned from my breakup almost 6 years ago that men can't see in themselves what I see in them- and some times what I see in men is what they can never be.  I think our greatest stength of being unconditionally loving and having a big heart can sometimes  be something that puts us in harm's way- it doesn't mean that we have to love less or feel less- but we need to continue to look out for ourselves and not give second chances to those who hurt us.  I really appreciate your friendship too, bestie.  Mr. Right is out there for us- I just know it! Stay hydrated, rest that voice of yours and do something fun just for you today! Smiley HappyHeart

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Posts: 5,079
Registered: ‎04-15-2014

@cheriere wrote:

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere wrote:

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere  You're welcome!  Where did you purchase this gorgeous opal stone?  I love gemstones, opals and anything set in big, bold gold! Smiley Very Happy  Yes indeed, saving up is the smart move to do- I have to save up for when I go to my favorite pawn shop and get a little ring or a necklace.  I still think about that beautiful fire opal ring that you posted a photo of! Heart

I bought that opal from JTV.  Do you get that channel?  Well, if not you can always go online.  They have great prices.  You can get a nice opal already set in SS at crazy cheap prices.  I bought a couple of those too!


I love checking at the pawn shop for great deals.  Mom and I always go to a couple around Christmas to see if we can something.  I got that fire opal back in the early 90s when jewelry was still relatively cheap lol.😃

@cheriere  Ooh you must've gotten a great deal on that opal from JTV Smiley Very HappyHeart! I have seen JTV before, but I keep forgetting what channel it is- myabe its for the ebst since I'd probably go nuts and buy a ton of beautiful jewelry at killer deals Smiley Very Happy!  I'll go on JTV's website to look at all of the beautiful jewelry Smiley HappyHeart.  I love pawn shops! The one I go to always cuts me a great deal on gold jewelry and some days they even have sales on the entire store.  My dream in a few years is to buy myself a nice little heart shaped diamond ring- everytime I go to the pawn shop I ask them if they have one Smiley LOL!

Actually ShopLC dot com has the best prices if anyone.  They have a channel too.  They don't put nearly as much on the website as they air on tv.  But, JTV does.🌸

@cheriere  Ooh I'll check that out too! Thanks a billion 

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Posts: 7,708
Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere  Oh thank you so much for your sweet words! I can tell you that my relationship wisdom comes from a lot of hurt- men have wronged me before in dating and I've stood up for myself and left those relationships and I am so proud of you for always standing up for youself too Heart! I want to look out for you in any way I can because nobody messes with someone I care about!  Sure, maybe this phone message could be about someone who passed- but maybe its someone he doesn't even care about- maybe it could be his mail man or his dry cleaner- but he might use death as a way to try to reel you in. 


     He's really wrong to not go to his Dad's funeral and so wrong for hurting you in whatever you did.  When it comes to men- I never forgive and I never forget.  I'm a God fearing girl and I have a great heart- but I cannot give my heart back to a man who has hurt me and I cannot listen to men trying to get back into my life when they didn't treasure me while they had me.  I gave that Chistmas Eve breakup ex a few chances while I was with him since he'd break up with me and ask me back over the few months we dated and it really made my head spin- sometimes I didn't even know if it was a breakup or not.  It was all about his moods and his issues and how I need to chill out and stop trying to help him.  I'm glad that he's out of my life. Smiley Wink


    Don't call him today or tomorrow- maybe never call him f that's what you decide.  You've got your great life and the people you love who love and care about you and the great guys you haven't met yet who I know are in your future Smiley Happy.    I learned from my breakup almost 6 years ago that men can't see in themselves what I see in them- and some times what I see in men is what they can never be.  I think our greatest stength of being unconditionally loving and having a big heart can sometimes  be something that puts us in harm's way- it doesn't mean that we have to love less or feel less- but we need to continue to look out for ourselves and not give second chances to those who hurt us.  I really appreciate your friendship too, bestie.  Mr. Right is out there for us- I just know it! Stay hydrated, rest that voice of yours and do something fun just for you today! Smiley HappyHeart

You know what, you're too right!  Since being away from him for so long now, I think sometimes I only remember the good years just because I'm alone now.  Honestly, I should NEVER even give him the time of day after everything he put me through lol!


Mom said once a con guy, always one!  It's her belief that's he's probably used up whatever the last girl had too and is looking to try and reel me back in.  She thinks it's because I'm an only child and he knows they've worked hard and have accumulated quite a bit theat he wants!  This I've no doubt is true too, regardless of how he used to be.  He changed and I kind of think drugs might've been a part of that, although he'd never admit it!  

Thanks for me feel better about my initial instinct.  This is why I love having you in my life.💝. You remind me of how I shouldn't sell myself short and deserve better.  We both do!  We"ll find them too I have no doubt!

Thanks again, I mean it.💝🌸

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: OPAL Needs Set

[ Edited ]

@cheriere  Thank you for your kind words, Cheriere Smiley HappyHeart! You build me up and encourage me and so I really like to do the same for you! I can so relate to being single and remembering the good times with an ex and forgetting about the bad times.  That ex who broke up with me on Christmas Eve almost got me back with his sad, all the right words apology text and then I thought- "Why am I missing a guy who constantly was  super moody and he never planned fun dates because he was so depressed?"  Sure he was hot, but he was such a drag and didn't care about his life.  When I think about ex boyfriends and a little part of me starts to miss them, I always make sure to think of a list in my head of ways that the guy hurt my feelings or made me mad and then I stop thinking about them.  


    Your Mom is so right! Once a con guy, always a con guy! I also feel that once a cheater always a cheater since guys who cheat can cheat again. That is so special that you're an only child- think of the odds of someone as special as you being born as the only child, Cheriere Smiley Happy! Yep, he could be trying to get things that you and your family have- and he could be hiding some drug use, though he probably won't admit to it. Yes indeed, we can't settle for less or sell ourselves short- we're such great catches!  We'll find great guys once we're ready to put ourselves out there again.  I think I'll try to date again in a year- that's my goal Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere  Thank you for your kind words, Cheriere Smiley HappyHeart! You build me up and encourage me and so I really like to do the same for you! I can so relate to being single and remembering the good times with an ex and forgetting about the bad times.  That ex who broke up with me on Christmas Eve almost got me back with his sad, all the right words apology text and then I thought- "Why am I missing a guy who constantly was  super moody and he never planned fun dates because he was so depressed?"  Sure he was hot, but he was such a drag and didn't care about his life.  When I think about ex boyfriends and a little part of me starts to miss them, I always make sure to think of a list in my head of ways that the guy hurt my feelings or made me mad and then I stop thinking about them.  


    Your Mom is so right! Once a con guy, always a con guy! I also feel that once a cheater always a cheater since guys who cheat can cheat again. That is so special that you're an only child- think of the odds of someone as special as you being born as the only child, Cheriere Smiley Happy! Yep, he could be trying to get things that you and your family have- and he could be hiding some drug use, though he probably won't admit to it. Yes indeed, we can't settle for less or sell ourselves short- we're such great catches!  We'll find great guys once we're ready to put ourselves out there again.  I think I'll try to date again in a year- that's my goal Smiley Happy


Lol, you're ex and mine sound so similar except mine wanted to stay at the bar!  As soon as work was over, that's the only place he wanted to go!  
Im sure this is just another load of cr@p he's trying to use hoping I'll call.  The only thing that scares me is a few years ago when I'd never answer his calls, he just showed up here on Thanksgiving no less!  I couldn't believe it!  Plus, as an added bonus, he showed up with a 3 year old baby HE had with some other girl...UNFORTUNATELY I'm NOT KIDDING!  Can you believe that!


Mom said his Facebook page still only shows the same one hoot of that kid so more than likely he never gets to see her because of his lifestyle!  The day he was here I remember the mother didn't have custody either!  This kid was actually in foster care and the people let him take her out for a few hours because they knew him!


Anyways, sorry for adding that crazy part to the story.  I'm not calling.  I just can't go through all that drama again.  You're right, I'll meet someone good when the time is right.  We both will.😃💝🌸

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I accidentally left an opal ring in a jar of that soapy jewelry cleaner for a good month.  Obviously there was water in it and the stone was ruined.  No idea what I ever did with it.  

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Re: OPAL Needs Set

[ Edited ]


    Wow! Your ex had a 3 year old baby and he showed up unannounced at Thanksgiving? He was definitely unhinged that day.  Do you have a mutual friend who can secretly find out for you who passed? Maybe that would be safer for now- definitely don't call him. That poor kid- sounds like the mom and dad can't keep their acts together- hopefully foster families have provided good care for the kid.  Yes indeed, Cheriere- we will find good men! I want confident, upbeat, and stable hunks from here on out! No more handsome troubled guys! Who's with me, Cheriere! Smiley Very HappyHeart