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Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

J318128 Blue topaz and diamonique drop earrings for $133.62. Think these are fairly new earrings?

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,525
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Those earrings are very tempting to me, Kiwi, but my one concern is that the top portion might be too small to tackle my ginormous earlobes in the clip-on version. On rare occasion, that can be an issue for me.

I think those earrings are very pretty. Enjoy them if you order them!

Super Contributor
Posts: 729
Registered: ‎12-17-2011

Wow, so sorry I missed these...they are now about $100 more than the LTS price. They look really fun.