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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

@alarmclock  There is a reason behind allowing this work from JonnyBro to continue.  If my hypothesis is correct, I am not necessarily critical of it.  Based on the censorship the Moderators have recently done to outside retailer references, I believe they care about it very much.  

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

[ Edited ]

And you are more familiar with this place than I am, for sure!


I am surprised it's still up and it may disappear any second now but I do have to say that seeing it is still here is a bit unusual.

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

[ Edited ]

@IamMrsG wrote:

@alarmclock  There is a reason behind allowing this work from JonnyBro to continue.  If my hypothesis is correct, I am not necessarily critical of it.  Based on the censorship the Moderators have recently done to outside retailer references, I believe they care about it very much.  



@IamMrsG  The only thing that they censor as far as outside retailers is links to the retailer and/or promo codes.  They don't censor talking about another retailer or the merchandise they offer.  People talk about HSN, Evine and Amazon all the time as well as other places.  If someone posted a link to Lisa's website it would be deleted.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website


Well people talk HSN, Evine and other brands not QVC related here. Those posts should be allowed. Btw a tribe member might never have seen Lisa on QVC and them finding that out might make them sign up on QVC. That's very hypocritical when I see other network brands being talked about. Honestly these posts are mutually beneficial to LR and QVC

QVC  owns these companies...................

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

@MalteseMomma wrote:


Well people talk HSN, Evine and other brands not QVC related here. Those posts should be allowed. Btw a tribe member might never have seen Lisa on QVC and them finding that out might make them sign up on QVC. That's very hypocritical when I see other network brands being talked about. Honestly these posts are mutually beneficial to LR and QVC

QVC  owns these companies...................



@MalteseMomma  Quarate owns QVC and HSN but not Evine.  Evine isn't connected to QVC in any way.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

Aside from trying to promote LR’s merchandise, I think JB, you keep missing what everyone is trying to say to you.

What is worthy of admiration is a person’s character, not what they have or who they know. If you went on about Lisa’s work ethic or how admirable it is that her siblings are also hard working and successful in the medical field and help people every day, then you might get a more positive response on the boards from people.

It’s not for me to tell you what you should value about another person, but you don’t seem to be on the same page as the other posters here. This is just my observation.
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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

[ Edited ]


Alarm u seen triggered which I sense jealousy. What do u do for as living and what does ur house look like? I doubt u have celebrity friends, I doubt u have multi millions, I doubt u have traveled the world . LR is a legend phenom her resume says it all. Most have never lived the lifestyle Lisa has had unless they were married to as rich husband. Kathy Levine used to say going out with Lisa was fun she had literally every good looking guy flirting with her. I mean these people criticizing her can u show me where u live and what's your salary for u to even talk


Wow!  I have never seen so many shallow statements all in one post.


Lisa's lifestyle is clearly not what she represents it to be, and there is no need for anyone to be jealous even if everything she said was true. There's a lot more I'd like to say, but I have no idea where to even begin.

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

@alarmclock wrote:

Nice try but no, I will not take the bait.  I am not "triggered".  That is what unbalanced people become.  All I have done and will continue to do is post the truth.


What I do for a living is immaterial.  What my house looks like is also immaterial. I am not hung up on appearances but if I were, I would take the time to make sure my photographic documentation was up to snuff.  No green or black mold.  No torn and tattered patio curtains.  No weeds.  No bird droppings.  


We are not discussing me and for you to try to pull the comparison card shows me that you have no real way to support the comments you choose to post.  They are very easily dispatched.


What does having celebrity friends have to do with anything?  


Lisa has no real A-list buddies.


What does traveling the world have to do with anything?


Again, you are deflecting and reaching.


Lisa is not a legend.  She is a former show host that is not known outside of the television shopping world.  Her resume has two entries - Shop at Home and QVC.


Why do you keep on trying to tie wealth to a rich man?  I find that troubling on several levels.


As for Kathy and her hanging out with Lisa as two single women, that was decades ago.  Kathy is a happily married lady and has been for quite a while.


I have not criticized Lisa once.  


Not once.


I have addressed everything you just asked about.


My exposing Lisa and her less than honest practices has nothing to do with who I am, what I have or what I do.  Are you able to see that and separate it?


She posts things for a reason.  Those posts will be commented about.  If you have an issue with that fact, you need to speak to Lisa.  I have no control over what she does or posts.


My posting is the same as anyone else on any other website.  Whether you think it's positive or negative is your right but it is equally my right to read and comment as long as I follow the rules of that particular forum.







Great post, @alarmclock!  Beautifully stated.  :-)

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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website

That picture of Lisa is from a jewelry fair out west.  She said she was going to buy that bracelet and a sculpture or carving from a local artist.


She never bough either.


The bracelet was selling for thousands (no exaggeration) and the sculpture had to be thousands more.


If she bought these things, why have we never been graced with a picture of her with these expensive symbols of success and luxury?


If that's the important thing, why not share it with the world?



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Re: Lisa Robertson has a gorgeous peach ring on her website