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It is very enjoyable watching Paul and Judy on Evine.  Love Judy. They are on now.

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They are adorable together! I did break down and buy something. But, it will probably be for one of my daughters....that's how I rationalise it!
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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Lol, enjoy your goodieSmiley Happy

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I caught part of the show -- it was very nice.  I bought one of Judy's ring (pink MOP doublet with domed crystal) -- very contemporary but no longer available -- and it was a steal.  Loved it!  Look forward to more products in the future.

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Sammycat, your avatar cat looks hysterical ! So serious and intense . Is it yours? Makes me laugh every time!
Enjoy,ladies, your goodies. I have Paul's earrings today on today ,got complements in Costco! Lol
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Judy and Paul

[ Edited ]
Hi Sanna, yes, he was mine. Thanks for asking. He was as loving as he was tough and spirited. We rescued/adopted him as an old cat who was in an abusive situation, but under our roof he blossomed and lived life out loud. He was a poser in fron of the camera as you can see. He fell ill with double-sided heart failure later and was expected to die in a few days, but he kicked kitty butt and lived almost another 3 just under 18! He made Rocky Balboa look like a wimp but he also was my cuddle monster and watched the jewelry shows with me. He was one cool cat & his name was Mr. Schmoo.

I try to emulate his fierce and joyful spirit, so that's why he's my avatar!
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I always thought he was cute even before her. They are so in love.

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Registered: ‎04-23-2010
Ohhh, Sammycat, what a touching story! I can totally see his personality through this photo.
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@SANNA wrote:
Ohhh, Sammycat, what a touching story! I can totally see his personality through this photo.


Thanks Sanna, he was my love bug.  He loved to watch the jewelry shows, especially is Lisa Robertson was on.  She mesmerized him.  Cat Very Happy

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I enjoyed watching Paul and Judy, too!  They seem to have such a good time together, and how nice is it to have a spouse you enjoy working with?  My mom didn't care for Paul and said he was like an old shoe salesman, but I have quite enjoyed watching him and his jewelry shows.