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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

Personally I think NH is a little over the top today, I guess she's over excited because of the celebrity jewelry designer JN. Not a country music fan, but JN jewelry is different and she is a delightful woman. I didn't buy any thing this time, but I'm sure I will in the future.

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Registered: ‎07-04-2011

Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

I agree. Nancy would not show the intricate details of the jewelry pieces. Terribly irritating and not professional at all. 


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Posts: 239
Registered: ‎07-04-2011

Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

I personally think Nancy did a horrible job. We did not ever get to see intricate details about the pieces. Even Jennifer had to redirect her. 

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Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

I must have seen a different show than some of you because while talking and engaging Jennifer, Nancy did a good job of showing many details of the items as well as letting Jennifer talk about her ideas and the details of the items.  They both have delightful and vivacious personalities and Nancy was perfect with her.  Jennifer seemed right "at home" with Nancy too. 


That cuff was awsome and I loved how they all looked layered on her.  I did buy the lariat leather necklace as well as the black spinel ring that looked like a "sunburst" as Jennifer described it.  I also bought the black spinel line necklace to match. 

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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

Nancy is really good, they usually have her on late night.  She is always enjoyable and calm.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Jennifer Nettles is delightful!

Oops, my mistake, it was Nancy, and Yes she did a great job!