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Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from grace.

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Remember how Ripka Jewelry was the higher end, 'in' line sold here, and then it fell from grace.* Now, when I see pieces on EBay or anywhere else, they don't hold any esteem anymore (at least in silver; genuine gold at least holds its gold value). 

I was thinking if the same thing will happen to the line by Jai. When we see a current piece that was pretty and costly again,in fifteen years, will we feel the same way we do now about Ripka pieces? 


* Not in the religious sense. 

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

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Hi, @Mindy D.  I am not sure what will happen to the value of any jewelry items in the future, no matter who designs them. Inflation will certainly effect prices, but who will have enough spare cash to purchase many pieces of jewelry, at a time when insurance, food, clothing, shoes, necessary appliances, cars, and electronic devices are similarly skyrocketing in price?  


For now, I am thoroughly enjoying wearing my silver Ripka jewelry, wearing pieces I have not worn in years, and rotating through them. I don't think they will ever go out of style as they are timeless, substantial, quality items, and personally, I think the JRQ and JR2 and other JR jewelry I have purchased is beautiful and unique, as the majority of Judith's designs appealed to my personal aesthetic. Judith's jewelry is undeniably feminine, with architectural elements and finely carved and shaped details. Will I ever be able to sell it in the future?  Not sure. Other "things" may be far more desirable and more important to have. 

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

I have a Ripka diamonique band I still wear everyday. Its a great basic everyday band.   I actually bought two of them.  Unfortunately, one of the stones fell out of one of them so I never wear that one.  It's basically garbage now. 


I am not a fan of the JAI line.  Everything looks the same IMO and is very similar to the old like Michael Dawkins line.  

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

@Mindy D 


JR's big SS necklaces do well.


I bought 2 of her expensive watches, and they didn't last after about the 4 yr mark.  Those watches surely cost enough!

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

@Mindy D wrote:

Remember how Ripka Jewelry was the higher end, 'in' line sold here, and then it fell from grace.* Now, when I see pieces on EBay or anywhere else, they don't hold any esteem anymore (at least in silver; genuine gold at least holds its gold value). 

I was thinking if the same thing will happen to the line by Jai. When we see a current piece that was pretty and costly again,in fifteen years, will we feel the same way we do now about Ripka pieces? 


* Not in the religious sense. 

@Mindy D 


I must have missed something because I don't understand how JR fell from grace.  How did this happen?  I thought Judith retired and sold her company, but I have a couple pieces (so sorry I sold one!) and they are still wonderful.

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

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@Tinkrbl44 @I mean that her jewelry is no longer as popular as it was and it's look is not as in style as it used to be. She did sell her company and I'm only talking about the design styles becoming less sought after and the sales declining.  There are still some pretty pieces that owners have in their collections, but the trend for her designs have declined from what it used to be. I was wondering if Jai will loose its appeal over the years. Sorry I wasn't very clear. 

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

i dont buy gold or silver jewelry for their resale potential.

i buy my jewelry to wear and enjoy.

i dont worry whether or not it will increase or decrease in value.

i have JR, BB, MD, RLM, JAI, and more.

remember the "frenzy" on these boards when the silver designers would be scheduled?


i am a member of JR groups, barbara bixby groups, heidi daus groups, and jai groups where people do sell their items. i also am a member of auction groups on facebook where people do daily auctions, sometimes twice a day. i am also a member of whatnot.  i do know that people in those groups and on the apps sell and get good money for the brands that i mentioned above.....and other brands also. i also know you can find great bargains there also. 

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

@Mindy D wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 @I mean that her jewelry is no longer as popular as it was and it's look is not as in style as it used to be. There are still some pretty pieces that owners have in their collections, but the trend for her designs have declined from what it used to be. I was wondering if Jai will loose its appeal over the years. 



JR sold her line and the company is still in business.....with an entirely different look, so even THEY moved away from the original designs. a local fine jewelry store sells her line.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

@Mindy D wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 @I mean that her jewelry is no longer as popular as it was and it's look is not as in style as it used to be. She did sell her company and I'm only talking about the design styles becoming less sought after and the sales declining.  There are still some pretty pieces that owners have in their collections, but the trend for her designs have declined from what it used to be. I was wondering if Jai will loose its appeal over the years. Sorry I wasn't very clear. 


@Mindy D 


Well, I am definitely out of the loop .... somehow, I thought her whole line was gone from the Q.  I just checked and the line is Judith ... with designs "inspired" by JR's original designs.  Not one watch, though.

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Re: Jai's future. Remember how Ripka was the higher end, 'in' line here, and then it fell from gra

I just hope nobody is so unwise as to buy JAI as an investment.

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