Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,048
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Don't know if anyone remembers this but years ago QVC sold raw mined amethyst chunks for one's coffee table. Suspect there were a lot of returns from customers unhappy that the amethyst chunk they received did not look exactly like the ones shown on TV, and that's why they did not sell such things again. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,463
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Just gorgeous!! I went to a shop in Flagstaff a few years ago with some friends that  was filled with those huge rock specimens--got lots of photos of clear rock crystals that were lying on the floor that were bigger than my whole leg and foot and taller than my 5'5". And many other geodes like the pic here. Was the highlight of that trip for me.