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Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

I got mine today in the turquoise and rainbow. I'm very pleased...for once he didn't exaggerate shamelessly. They are very weighty with lots of silver. The turquoise is a nice color to go with green or blue. The Rainbow Calsilica for once is clear and bright. I wear 7 or 8 silver bangles 24/7 365 and like something with some color to vary the look. I think they are well worth the $129 price tag. I have this bracelet in copper and it's a bit wider but this one is fine. I think I'll wear them a lot. This is his best TS IMHO.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

Jay king does have some pretty things....BUT...I do not want to buy compressed turquoise & have him say it's natural from the ground. When things are shown on TV I feel the host & vendor should say if the stones are compressed. Jay compresses a lot of different stones. To me...if I'm buying Crow's Peak turquoise, I want to see what it's natural characteristics looks like. When turquoise is compressed it all ends up looking the same. If you like that look, then clearly you will have a lot to pick from. I was fooled once by JK on a green Hubei beaded necklace, with matching earrings & bracelet (before compression was disclosed on line in the product description). But if you are happy that's all that matters with your purchase.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

My, Miss Pamela, aren't we the snarkie one! I have always heard that he states if his items are compressed or not. I thought the bracelets were quite pretty and were worth the money asked for them. Please don't watch him if he bothers you so much and refrain from coming on these boards and slapping a back-handed compliment. She didn't ask for your "expert" advise, did she?

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

I got my turquoise bangle today and it has such pretty chocolate matrix in some of the segments that I don't see how it could be compressed? It looks more like inlay to me with thin silver lines between each segment and there is a difference in color in each that I like. The color is great with some segments a lighter sleeping beauty blue and others more greenish but the overall appearance is awesome. I like it better than the one I got in copper last year and I always liked that one a lot.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

On 1/5/2015 momshan said:

My, Miss Pamela, aren't we the snarkie one! I have always heard that he states if his items are compressed or not. I thought the bracelets were quite pretty and were worth the money asked for them. Please don't watch him if he bothers you so much and refrain from coming on these boards and slapping a back-handed compliment. She didn't ask for your "expert" advise, did she?

I agree with Pamela and did not find her comment snarkie. I like a lot of Jay's jewelry, but I have learned to check the online description, because neither he nor the host has EVER disclosed that the turq is compressed in any show that I've seen. That makes a huge difference in my purchase decision. Yes, the turq may be pretty, but I want to know whether it's compressed or not before I decide it's pretty enough to buy regardless. I for one am glad that Pamela exposed this again.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

I couldn't order any this time around due to too much Christmas spending for others, however I would have loved to have gotten all 3 of them and the round pendant that matched. But maybe next time. I also could care less whether or not the turquoise I buy is natural, compressed or what have you. I buy it because I like it no matter what. Wear it in good health Kachina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure they are lovely.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

I purchased the Opal Bracelet but returned it. It was pretty but not pretty enough for me to keep it. I also was afraid I could lose it easily if it came apart. Enjoy yours! The Turquoise was really pretty but that was sold out when I purchased mine.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

It is compressed. Item # 386-350. I checked several of his turquoise items and they are all compressed.

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

I got mine last Fri. (paid extra for FedEx) LOL I go along with the others who don't care if it's compressed or what. 129 bucks these days won't buy you Fashion jewelry. I bought it because it 's pretty, easy to put on and will go with anything and after the TSV it's now up to 210.00. I buy Brighton stuff too and it's not even silver and their bracelets, bangles, cuff's are 100 and over. Stuff, these days is just pricey.

My sister is tight as a tick on a dog's rump she buys junk stuff from Dollar store and Everything 's a Dollar. ROFL

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Re: Did Anyone Else Get Their Jay King Bracelet?

Ladies, everybody is free to spend their money on what they want and on what they find pleasing. It is none of our business . But I also cannot help but wondering,Kachina,out of all of us, the expert in the most valuable turquoise,why?! She knows it is reconstituted, may by she just likes the look. And I do not find Pamela's remarks offensive or rude , just an opinion. Kachina herself many times said that certain type of turquoise is garbage but I did not go hysterical about it. We are just communicating.So let's be civil especially given the fact that forum or fori are the places for expressing ourselves.