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Posts: 511
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Coin Pearls ~~~ Review and a Rave all in ONE ~~~ :D

Good Morning muh Gentle Readers~~~ hope this might bring some cheer to da forum.

Judith's Coin Pearls with dmq.....much like her HE Ones:

Just Love these{#emotions_dlg.wub} to Pop on with just about anything.....

Earrings bring light around the face......they are eazy on the ears.

(Kinda wish they had the silver border) but I still enjoy them...think its in keeping with the

necklace stations, when I pick that little diddy up later.....{}

the Ring is just the right size and plays well with most other pieces you may have.

and the Enhancer well....seems to just look Lovely on most of muh Pearl chains from Judith....and I don't have 2 tell you twice...I have Many.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I'm happy with them ~~

I'm Looking at the coordinating necklace with Moon eyes. @@


Enjoy those that picked any of these pieces up......!!! {#emotions_dlg.wub}