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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Hey DW and sistas . . I received the AW TSV yesterday, and it's really pretty!  It looks great with or without the naja attached.  I tried the SB super naja on  it, and even that looks nice and doesn't pull down the necklace, although I still think the super naja looks better on its own since it's so large.  I reallyI like the combination of shiny and oxidation, and it also has a nice feel to it overall.  My only problem is with the SB . . it's nice, but not the same rich, saturated color that some of my other pieces have.  Any how, I have lots of time to play until the shows, so we'll see how I feel.  If there are too many other pretties during the show, I may have to send this back.  Then again, I may not be able to part with it lol!  I'll try to post some pix soon . . hugs!

"In my life, I've loved them all . . " The Beatles
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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Thanks Jugtown for the review! It is very helpful. I'm still on the fence. I also have to wait and see what else Carolyn has to offer. Smiley Happy
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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Thanks Jug....did you guys see the post from JustJazzmom?....the sub forums are back...she posted the link....DW
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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Wow, I cannot believe how the forums have changed!   I was cruising thru the TV channels and had to order the TSV....everything on the Q site changed.  Very uncomfortable feeling.

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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Welcome to the 21st Century -- change (it gets shoved down our throats whether we like it or not).  Gotta love it!

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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Check the left hand side listing under the Forums. You'll see "My Favorite Brand". There is a listing of various favorites - Carolyn Pollack is listed, but not much action.  I hope this is what you were looking for.  I can't stand this new set up for the Forums.  I am done for the day on this site, it is a mess IMHO.  Everyone I hope you have a safe 4th of July weekend.

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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

These are too complicated ladies I agree. We are going to start a FB page for lovers of CP. we are in the process of it now. I will let you know when we name it so you can find us. We love Carolyn's line and her American West line. We will focus on that. 

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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Hi Carolyn....


FIrst of all, LOVE your jewelry & have several pieces. My husband & I are taking a bus tour end of Sept to Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta..cannot wait!!!  We will have 1 free day to shop in Albuquerque on our own time & I would love to visit your store & maybe 'shop'..LOL  I have no idea what the name of your store is or where it's located so wondering if you would be willing to share share that?  We are from your hometown's neighboring state of Wisconsin so looking forward to visiting the beautiful southwest again.


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Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Hi ladies! The only name I recognize is jugtown! I rarely post in the forums now that they changed it. I was reading thru the comments on here, I agree! I  still can't navigate it after a yr! I have not bought anything from CP in yrs, due to job/life changes. I still have all mine & wish I could sell on ebay. I see it is still pricey on there! 


Anyway....wanted to say "hello".

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Carolyn Pollack forum ? ? ? What have they DONE to these FORUMS?!! YIKES!!!!

Hey Girls - there is a Carolyn Pollack Sub-Forum in the 'Folder' named My Favorite Brand


Here's a link.


At this point - since there is a thread in the main jewelry forum, I'd stick with it.




There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.