Regular Contributor
Posts: 225
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

ARRRGGGHHH!!! -- Why USPS for $$$$ stuff and UPS for $ stuff?!?!

In the excitement of placing orders quickly, I didn't take the time to specify that I wanted UPS Ground, so YES I know the fault is mine. My rhetorical question/rant stems from my confusion on WHY QVC would ship my more expensive pieces via USPS and the less expensive items via UPS? My 2 JR charms were shipped YESTERDAY and delivered TODAY by UPS Ground but my PIA TSV cuff and earrings were shipped Friday and Aurora narrow cuff was shipped Saturday via USPS snail mail ... and only God in Heaven above knows where they are and when they will arrive.

Thankfully the wide Aurora cuff was shipped USPS priority mail and I did receive it yesterday.

Thank you for letting me grumble ... I'll go back to stalking my mailbox tomorrow{#emotions_dlg.angry}