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I have well water, septic system, i do have a filter on the water we drink,bath in,but not for toilet, get build up under the rim of toilet, which cleaners do you like best? I have been using comet,vinegar , borax, not all at same time.

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We don't have a septic system so I don't know if it makes a difference but I like Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner.  I noticed that it cleans under the rim better than other products I was using.  

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@cotton4me wrote:

We don't have a septic system so I don't know if it makes a difference but I like Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner.  I noticed that it cleans under the rim better than other products I was using.  

Same here.



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Has any one used those tablets that people use on their hot tubs,and pools?

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For the past three years I've used nothing except Don Aslett's Toilet Bowl Cleaner. One bottle of that cleanser last almost  a year and my toilet bowl is cleaned no less than every third day.  I like the way the product smells, and it does seem to make the bowl appear cleaner than other good potty cleaners I had previously used.  Truth be told the product does keep the bowl looking cleaner longer, and I probably could get by with cleaning less, but I opt for the frequency.  The brushes in the set are ok and because everything is in the nice little caddy, I usually use Aslett's brush instead of my other toilet bowl cleaning brush.  The cleaner is sold without the caddy and brush, but by the time I need to reorder the brush is looking worse for wear, therefore my repeat purchase has been for the caddy set.  

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We have a well with heavy iron. We have a water softener, but still the toilets will get bad looking even though we have a whole house filter, in addition to the softener. 


My tips, just from my experience.


Because of septic, read the containers of all toilet cleaners to see if they are septic safe. I use Lysol most of the time, and am as happy with the results as anything else I've tried.


I don't know how often you clean toilets, but I don't like to use a chemical cleaner more than once a week if I can help it (because of the septic). I brush the bowl each day, and sanitize the seats, rims etc. with Clorox wipes. I think that brushing the bowl each day, just with plain water, helps keep hard water and iron from building up/staining the bowl, but doesn't dump a lot of chemicals into your system. Vinegar is supposed to be a disinfectant, so if it makes you feel better, perhaps using vinegar between chemical cleanings will work.


Sometimes I think hard water stains just are impossible to get out of toilets, especially if they are old (ours were installed in 1973) and they just don't come totally clean.


I have tried emptying the bowl of water and using Bio Cleaner sold here at Q, and that is the most clean I can get those stains. It doesn't get it all, and takes a lot of elbow grease too, but it is the best thing I've found that isn't harsh chemical.


I think the daily brushing well in the bowl and under the rim will help with build up in general, and there is probably no substitute for doing so daily. And use a good bristled brush, and replace often if needed. 


Hope something here helps. 


And what kind of results are you getting with the comet, vinegar and borax? I haven't tried borax but have tried the others without much luck.


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I clean one of my bowls every day, the other two rarely get used, so clean them less often, it is just me here.

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We have TERRIBLE well water.  In fact after ten years in our house trying various filtration set ups in our basement we actually built a "shed".  Looks like a mini house.  We have outbuildings with water and this way we filter at the well.  We purchased new equipment and what a difference it has made.  Before this I tried everyhing and then tried Don Aslett's.  I agree with the other poster, it seems expensive but two bottles last me over a year, cleaning four bathrooms.  Before that I was going through bottles of other brands.  I will continue to purchase the Don Aslett's.  Good Luck.


Also, I always got a strange buildup around my faucets and no cleanser or scrubbing pad would remove.  Tried the scrub daddy, looks like new! 

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@Trix wrote:

For the past three years I've used nothing except Don Aslett's Toilet Bowl Cleaner. One bottle of that cleanser last almost  a year and my toilet bowl is cleaned no less than every third day.  I like the way the product smells, and it does seem to make the bowl appear cleaner than other good potty cleaners I had previously used.  Truth be told the product does keep the bowl looking cleaner longer, and I probably could get by with cleaning less, but I opt for the frequency.  The brushes in the set are ok and because everything is in the nice little caddy, I usually use Aslett's brush instead of my other toilet bowl cleaning brush.  The cleaner is sold without the caddy and brush, but by the time I need to reorder the brush is looking worse for wear, therefore my repeat purchase has been for the caddy set.  

My mom uses this and lives next to us, with worse water than we have. 


She seems to think it is the best thing she has used. I have never tried it, as I don't see that it really gets the stains out of her toilets.

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I have well and septic and always use Don Aslett's Toilet Bowl Cleaner.  The pumice stone gets the water stain around the bowl out completely.  It sounds like you are scratching the bowl but there are never any scratches.  I also use it under the rim if I see any mineral build up.  My toilets are 30 years old and they sparkle after use this bowl cleaner.