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Does any body have the air innovations humidifier,they sell on here?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Yes, 3 of them - love them - they are running right now cuz it's in the twenties. First humidifier I haven't had to spend $50 every season for a new wick or filter.  Great buy - great machine - get it if you live in cold sub-zero area.  Your body and furniture will thank you.

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I’ve been using them for years.They’re great 👍!! I highly recommend you try it.

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I have one that was a TSV a little over a  year ago. It is a top fill which I love. This is my second year using it and so far so good. 

Posts: 65
Registered: ‎07-29-2013

LOVE mine! Be sure to keep it clean and completely clean it and be sure it is dry before storing away for the summer.


So easy to use and filters! I breathe much better...use it every night pointing the "steam" directly at my face.

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Yes, I am running this one now. Had another but the fan inside started to make a whining noise so I threw it away and bought another just like it. I use tap water and it is moderately hard so I buy the hard water filters sold on the Q.




My experience with this kind of 'cool-mist' humidifier is that since the cool mist  naturally flows down towards the floor, it tends to make the floor feel colder to me. Then when the heat kicks on, the warm air from my furnace mixes it up and then it's fine. 


I have an open floor-plan in my house where this single humidifier is not enough. I have purchased another that is a heated steam model made by Honeywell which puts out steam instead of ultrasonic mist and the humidity it puts in the air feels different than the cool-mist. I like the heated-steam one better but I have to clean out the heat-chamber once monthly to get rid of the scale big deal for me.Woman Happy

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Posts: 17,491
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have a Holmes warm mist humidifier in my bedroom for sleeping.  I use it in winter to keep my nasal passages from drying out which in turn helps ward off cold/flu.  Plus it just feels good.


I use distilled water in it and keeps it clean.


I tried the Air Innovations and sent it back.  I don't find the cold mist works as well for me and my sinuses.

QVC Shopper - 1993