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I got several drips of olive oil on the front of a favorite t shirt. I tried washing it in very hot water with dawn dish soap but the stains are still there.I tried DH's stain remover secret - Awesome -  stain is still there. It is 100% cotton. dark green. Any suggestions?

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When the t-shirt is dry, try putting powder on the oil stains and just let it absorb for a while.  I let it set for hours - not sure if that is necessary or not. Then wash.  You may need to repeat.  This process works most of the time for me!  Hope it works for you.

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 I hadn't thought of that. Thanks. I'll give it a try.

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I wore a really nice Tshirt when we were staining the deck and got it all spotted with the product. I took a can of oops and dabbed it over every one of the places were the color of staining got on the shirt and believe me it was a mess but every place I put the oops it took it right out of the shirt.

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I rely on Dawn a lot too! I recently posted about my own problems with a makeup stain, and here's what worked. My item was white and cold water wash only. I soaked the stain with OxyClean and let it sit about 30 min. I scrubbed it with Ivory bar soap, then washed it with Tide with Bleach Alternative. I let it sit in the Tide for about 30 min. then I turned the washer on. 


I know makeup is different from oil. I've always had luck with the blue Dawn and cold water. Another thing that used to help was Shout in the aerosol can, but of course they don't make that any more. Good luck getting it out! Smiley Happy

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@endlesssummer wrote:

When the t-shirt is dry, try putting powder on the oil stains and just let it absorb for a while.  I let it set for hours - not sure if that is necessary or not. Then wash.  You may need to repeat.  This process works most of the time for me!  Hope it works for you.

This is what I do also but I rub the powder  in and do it several times before leaving it set for a bit.   Also Campenelli Stain Remover (sold here) spray has worked for me with oily stains.

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Re: getting a stain out

[ Edited ]

Did you try vinegar?  I check for colorfastness on inside seam before trying anything. 

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I have used Lestoil with great success for oily stains

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Fels-Naptha soap bar works great on all stains.

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I've tried everything else so tomorrow I'm going to try lestoil. I have a neighbor here at camp whose DH is a mechanic at the shale well sites and gets really filthy - she washes all his clothes in Lestoil and they really come out clean.