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Registered: ‎09-10-2012

Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

Fresh Cab Botanical Rodent Repellent 


We get field mice in our barns and other outbuildings here on the farm. They will even occasionally build their nests in tractors, and other farm equipment ~ as well as within car engines, overnight. It can become very costly, as well as present health risks from breathing the feces and urine through heat and ventilation systems.


We buy the Fresh Cab in bulk. Keep it in the garage, in the boat, barns, basement of the house, etc. Safely repels them and doesn’t smell bad either. 


If you have a real rodent (or insect) infestation; I would start with a good exterminator service, that will save you money on repairs, etc. in the long run. They will find exactly how the rodents are gaining entry, so you can have that remedied. Otherwise; it's just a matter of time until they return. Their bones are soft ~ they can squeeze through the tiniest of spaces... like a baby snake.