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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

Will try!  Thanks, @eddyandme.


I'm on the hunt right now.  I told DH to smash each and every one he may see, and to keep the sink drains in use so they can't get up dry pipes.  Buggers.  I love what they do for my garden but I hate them in my house!

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

@Witchy Woman wrote:

@candys mine


That's why I like the humane traps.  All of the critters caught were tiny field mice...yes, they are still mice, but I feel no need to kill them.


They were released back into the woods.  I realize they probably have short life spans and/or become prey to another animal, but that's more acceptable to me than my doing the killing.

@Witchy Woman, I also did not want to kill the mice.  But, they even got into the cabinets in kitchen and playroom, over the counters, into the silverware drawer, et al.  Once I left some wrapped leftover onion rings on the counter overnite.  Found it had been "sampled" the next day!  I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned - everything! and still felt dirty.  Finally, could not take it anymore - I was continuously being invaded.  Though the mice seemed quite friendly and comfortable - maybe even enjoyable - the catch and release had to end.  I could no longer sterilize cabinets, utensils, etc.  I had to resort to kill traps.  Felt guilty at first, then figured it was them or my sanity.

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house


We have a contract arrangement for monthly service with our exterminator, which is $42 a month.   


The aforementioned peppermint mint oil works well to repel mice.   However, my daughter found out last winter that unless used throughout the house, the mice just relocate to another room.    

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

I get the humane traps from Amazon that are live capture traps.  I lure them with peanut butter on a cracker.  I then take them out to the field across from the house and down the road.  I let them go there.  They have a great place to live now and food to eat or hawks and falcons now have food.  One or the other happens and they aren't in my house.  I too got them when I moved into my place at the first cold snap.  I also have cats, so they may be taking care of the problem without me having known about it.

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

@Witchy WomanThat's an option too.  How far away do you release them so they don't find their was back to the house.?

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

@candys mine


We are in a wooded area, so DH takes them about 30 ft to the edge of the woods and away from the house.


He has joked that they are doing a loop and coming back, but I doubt it.  I think once there is an opening, it's a free for all!



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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

@Pooky1 wrote:

we were going to call an exterminator but marias mom didnt want to. like how much do they charge to come out? just curious.


                    @Pooky1 - I haven't had any experience needing an exterminator for anything, but did do a casual quick search that said:


     DEPENDS on the size/ amount - mice or, a large large mouse infestation- to rats.

 Posted was anywhere from $40.00 to $300.00. One was nearing $400.00. I suppose (as the former) depends on the area and how difficult it is to maneuver around. 

I've heard of barn cats/"mice", but have heard only from 4 + years ago when the Bed Bug problem was in the news almost every day- some place.


My keen guess is from so many people traveling, coming in from other countries and these pesky

 -> ( I sure wouldn't want to deal with THIS) crawling bugs hiding, breeding and coming out at night - the bites alone would cause me an A1 Probability YES.... to NEVER stay, or to just settle for any hotel. I am sure many parts of this country still have them in their homes. 

When I did most of my traveling 99% throughout the world, I never gave though of BED bugs, nor have seen any. 


 We have best friends that travel every single day -so far- have not heard of any bed buddies. How gross it that?? I have, though, heard of mice biting customers in hotels while sleeping.

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

thank you for all of your concerns and suggestions. sunday afternoon we were putting down sticky traps down and that guy mike had said put one behind stoves and refrigerators and i forgot to mention this in my original post but when we pulled out mil stove there was a dead mouse there and so far we have seen any yet. well maria and her mom took off into another room when we found it. they know i would take care of it because it dont freak me out. when we first new we had a mouse i sald to them kidding i know what we can get thats good at catching mice. i will get us a snake. neither one of them found me at all amusing. just i did.

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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

Sticky craps are terribly cruel.  I encourage you to rethink your methods to spare pain (and often the rodent will chew a leg off to get out of the trap and you will end up with blood all over the house and a smelly dead rodent in a wall where you can't remove them. 


Other options work well (if not better) without causing undue suffering.  Tin Cat live traps are what I use.  They usually get several mice at once (we live by a farmer's field and whenever they cut it we get inundated with a lot of mice) and we release them a few miles down the road into the woods.  After a day or two we are rodent free.  I've disovered the best bait is chocolate and peanut butter, but some species prefer stinky cheese.  



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Re: found that we have a mouse in the house

@Pooky1 wrote:

we were going to call an exterminator but marias mom didnt want to. like how much do they charge to come out? just curious.


$80 for spiders.