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Re: cozy city apartment view

If I were wealthy I would love it for my weekend getaway to the big city.

I totally dislike the furniture. I would redecorated this room with comfortable furniture and add greenery to warm it up.

It is so dark and gloomy looking to me.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

Love it!

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Re: cozy city apartment view

I love it. I am not a fan of heights, but I think it's gorgeous.


Also, there are technologies that can be utilized to give you more privacy with the windows without loosing that gorgeous view.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

You know, there may very well be shades or blinds hidden in the woodwork. Most people don't even know I have Roman shades on all my windows because when they are rolled up, they are virtuallyinvisible. 

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Re: cozy city apartment view

@kaydee50 wrote:

Yes, definitely.  We're on the 23rd floor in Chicago and have a view but not as nice as this!



Your home sounds beautiful.  I would love to live that high up in a high-rise and have a view of Chicago.  Your nighttime view must be amazing.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

The furnishings and view are lovely.  However, I would have drapes on those windows and I wouldn't like to live that high up.  But it is an appealing space.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

@vsm wrote:

Yes, but that awful overhead light is garish and harsh.


Oh picky, picky, picky! Woman Wink


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Re: cozy city apartment view

@Sooner wrote:

Would not be for me.  I like to get outside too much with grass and trees and such.


The two aren't mutually exclusive.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

When I lived in New York, my DH and I would go up on the roof at night and look at all the lit-up high rise buildings. It was like twinkling stars.

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Re: cozy city apartment view

I'd change the furniture, but I love the apartment.  No, I would definitely not ruin that view with curtains.


For the first 10 years of my life my family lived on the 21st (top) floor of our apartment building in NYC.  It was fantastic!  I still love that building all these years later.


I haven't lived in high-rises since, because I've moved several times for my job.  It's more about location than aesthetic, until I retire.