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We have a car, a fridge, and a freezer in the garage.  Yesterday we noticed a smell like chlorox.  

We have checked everything we can think of.  Garage is warm so nothing froze.  Fridge and freezer fine!   What can it be ?

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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Are you sure there isn't something leaking like a bottle of clorox clean up?

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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Is there something that got lost(pushed to the back) in the fridge that may have gone bad?

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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Did you check under the car for a fluid leak?

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Registered: ‎09-09-2010

Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Could it be some kind of refrigerant, or antifreeze, or even windshield washer fluid? A bottle that is partially closed, lid not capped on correctly, or small spillage that leaked down the bottle?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

I've had a similar experience -- although I live in FL temps have been extremely below normal. Not sure where you live but last week I kept smelling in my garage Downy fabric softener.

(My washer and dryer are in the garage).


At first, I figured it was just from the using the dryer  -- but upon further checking my large container of Downy had cracked (on concrete floor under  utility sink) it was puddled under the bottle.


maybe you have a leaking bottle of something.



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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Don't know whether this has anything to do with your odor, but............We smell a strong odor of chlorine (like a swimming pool) at certain times of the year when the faucets are turned on.  It happens during the times that the water utility flushes the system with chlorine.


 Normally, chloramine (or something like that) is used to make the water safe to drink..  The utility has begun to alert us when it's going to use chlorine, so we can load up on bottled water. 

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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Does somebody who lives nearby have a swimming pool?

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

Do you have a drain of some sort in the garage?

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Posts: 20,336
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Why do we smell chlorox?

@Nicecupoftea, Did you figure out what it is/was?